Telephony, before December 31, 28-day billing refunds


  Telephony, by December 31, 28-Day Billing Refunds

Tim, Vodafone, Wind Tre and Fastweb will be required to refund amounts claimed illegally by December 31 [19659003] to users of the fixed telephony (also convergent) with billing at 28 days. To decide it was the Council dell 'Agcom . The calculation should cover the period between June 23, 2017 and the date on which monthly billing was reinstated

By four separate resolutions, the Authority had warned the operators to stop the effects of the bill. Illegitimate anticipation of invoices issued after June 23, 2017.

With this provision, the "Authority" in accordance with the recent indications of the Lazio TAR, aimed at reconciling the rights of users with the needs of the economic and financial sustainability by companies, has identified the new deadline by which operators will have to comply with the aforementioned warning provisions. "

Having listened to the relevant operators and the most representative consumer badociations, l & # 39; 39; Authority decided December 2018 Tim, Vodafone, Wind Tre and Fastweb must return to customers, even on multiple invoices, ig canceled due to breach of the obligation to renew offers and billing frequency on a monthly basis

The calculation of the days of service that each operator must recognize on the bill to its users must cover the period between June 23 2017 and the date on which billing was reinstated on a monthly basis. Therefore, as of December 31, 2018, operators will have to comply with the Authority's warnings by postponing the invoice start date for a number of days equal to those illegally eroded (possibly spread over several invoices).

that in the meantime they have changed the operator, adds the note, "adequate restoration modalities will be defined at the end of litigation still pending before the Lazio TAR, whose discussion on the merit is expected next November, quickly back up the rights of all users involved in the tariff increases imposed by the operators. "

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