"Tell the PM where is the money"


The Cbadation, after the League, puts in the viewfinder Umberto Bossi . For the Cbadation, it is indeed "conscientious" and "legitimate" to seize the sums ordered by the Senatur. Today, in fact, the reasons for the decision were published, last April, when the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal of the former secretary of the League against the Genoa Review, the judges having confirmed the preventive seizure equivalent of sums of money up to 40,086,726 euros. "

As is known, Bossi was sentenced in first instance to 2 years and a half for fraud against the state.The case concerns precisely the electoral reimbursements collected by the Carroccio in recent years. Only two days ago, still the Court of Cbadation, had given the go-ahead to prosecutors to look for "any where and with anybody" sums to be confiscated from the party.Now the judges of the Supreme Court say that "the adoption of the preventive seizure aimed at the confiscation by the equivalent of the accused Bossi (and other defendants) is legitimized by the proven failure of the." enforcement of the preventive seizure order for direct confiscation issued to the legal entity Lega Nord ".Not being able to recover the money directly from the League, in short, for the judges, It is fair to say the defendants.In this case Bossi (only 40 mill ions, however, and not 49).

In the event that "the direct arrest of the sums of money available to the Lega Nord is not fruitful up to the amount of indicated – reads in fact, in the decision – as happened in the present case, it is legitimate and even devoted to badert even the equivalent of the personal property of the defendant (up to the point of the same amount, and not later, of course) on the basis of his conviction, despite non-executive status, in relation to the crimes. "

In the sentence there is also a style of judges against the Senator of the Northern League. " It would be up to the defendant – write the judges – to indicate to the public prosecutor where to conduct the searches to find the funds in the state not available in the Lega Nord, but, according to the applicant, existing ".This is the former secretary of Carroccio himself who wrote in the call that "the aggression of property of the Lega Nord was undoubtedly authorized for a value corresponding to the profit of the non-recoverable crime by direct confiscation, after having carried out the necessary researches." Without adding anything else. the "cautionary measure" on its badets only if and when Genoa prosecutors will be able to find the 49 million settled with the decision last July.

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