Ten Nigerian soldiers are dead and four others are missing after an attack in the south-east of the country attributed to Boko Haram


Ten Nigerian soldiers died and four others were reported missing after an attack on a military post in southeastern Niger on the border with Nigeria, attributed to the jihadist group Boko Haram. This was announced by the Ministry of Defense: "We have a provisional record of ten dead, four missing and three wounded," said Colonel Abdul-Aziz Toure AFP . He said the attack had occurred at Bla Brin, a village located not far from Lake Chad, about 40 kilometers from the town of N 'Guigmi.

The last attack attributed to Boko Haram dates back to the beginning of June. three suicide bombers had exploded in different parts of the city of Diffa, the capital of the department of Niger and the region of the same name, killing at least ten people. In late April, the Niger government announced a military operation in the Lake Chad region on the border with Chad, Cameroon, Niger and Nigeria to liberate the Boko Haram militants area.

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