Terni, Latini pulls right: a junta "moist"


July 11, 2018 1:23 am

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Andrea Giuli

In the end the junta is the one that, roughly, had in mind the mayor and his "allies" . Ternani. Because in Rome, especially in the league circuit, it's not that some choices have really diminished. But Latini, it should be noted, kept the point. If this also has a cost, in one area – that of politics – where balances change almost every day, it is too early to say. But meanwhile, the administration "is leaving" and now it is up to the mayor, that his responsibilities, if it is supposed, make it work. Keep and keep everyone away from the clbadic "grains" that affect more or less every government team: personalities, escapes, corridor chatter and allies' "appetites". If it will work, it will be the moment to say it

Cristiano Ceccotti

On the final the most difficult stages for the first citizen in the construction of "the team". It is no secret that the former Deputy Mayor of Otricoli and current Terni City Councilor, Cristiano Ceccotti, had, for some time, even among the papabilis of the Spascia Palace, more than 39 a "card in good standing" – esteem and friendships especially in the capital region – to be part of the junta. But Latini followed his path, focusing heavily on journalist Andrea Giuli, one of Terni's brightest political and union pens, a man of culture and historically close to the center-right liberal. But it is not the membership to have played a central role, in this case, as the esteem of the first citizen, and others close to him, for the same Giuli, called to occupy the position of deputy mayor – yes, for some symbolic, but the first to take responsibility for unforeseen events – and that of advisor for culture.

Elena Proietti

A "Slot" that of Deputy Mayor, who had been badociated for several days in the name of Marco Celestino Cecconi (Brethren of Italy). Other city councilor: not security (the mayor will hold), not the local police (could go to Stefano Fatale from Forza Italy), maybe not to the sport (the Cecconi party colleague, Elena Proietti – already a football referee and on which FdI also aims for the future – could treat it), but rather on tourism and trade.

But that of the delegations at least during most of the day on Wednesday, will still be "fluid". Enrico Melasecche (Lega) will have a weight adviser who is the public works – a step back after the "greatness" of the Caian era – and probably urban planning, even if the coupling does not convince some they would have preferred a division of the two posts among the same number of advisers. But that is so.

Latini, Fatale, Bertocco

Gli & # 39; azzurri & # 39; Di Fatale, who will of course also take care of other things – social policies? – it has been said; In addition to the municipal coordinator, Forza Italia can count on another adviser: manager Sonia Bertocco who, instead of the economic development that should be held by the mayor, could be delegated to staff. An all but minor task, given that most of the fate of the administration also depends on the relationship that it will establish with a municipal machine that requires more than one facility. Always the "blue" – but on the front closer to the regional coordinator Catia Polidori, even less close to that commissioned by Raffaele Nevi – will also occupy the box of the president of the city council with Francesco Maria Ferranti. Delicate task

Valeria Alessandrini

School and environment The teacher Valeria Alessandrini, elected to the Lega, will follow the field of education, school and university. training, while she will be technician – in this case Benedetta Salvati, environmental engineer in force at Arpa Umbria – to take care of another evaluator "burned", the one related to the environment , that Uncle Gianfranco had already followed with the mayor Raffaelli and who was even often at the center of fierce debates attacks and lit

Budget In the middle of this composition – nine councilors plus the mayor – stands out the figure of one who will have to revive, in synergy with the OSL, the body coffers, & # 39; "by a failure that for some is" modest "and for others – the workaholic of the M5 in the election campaign and even before – is broken by a millionaire hunt on which we still have to make luc e. Identikit is one of a professional established in Rimini – with many companies with a large business turnover and different units of work – but with strong family roots in the city.

And the "Fourth stage" Terni Civica? Not received by the state.After the vote, the elected councilor – Michele Rossi – had called several times "the good representation" . , apparently, but it would not be the only solution to give space to the "civic" component.

Who enters In council – Thursday and Friday the first two sessions, at 15:30 – Sergio Armillei and Francesco should take over, nominees and more Pocaforza (Lega), Raffaello Federighi and Lucia Dominici (Forza Italia) and Maurizio Cecconelli (Fratelli d'Italia).

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