Tesla, from the Gigafactory to the tent


Surprise, Tesla – who for years has touted the wonders of the super factory, automation and high technology – is now moving production into a tent . Hastely mounted outside the main factory. Crazy but quite true, with incredible practical results because thanks to that found the production of the small model 3 finally took off reaching the coveted pace of 5000 cars a week.

The tent where Tesla Model 3 is produced

But how, this was not the mark of the "Gigafactory" inaugurated in June 2014 not far from Sparks, Nevada, with a resounding name (derived from the word "Giga", the unit of measure that represents the billion) and with an annual battery capacity of 35 gigawatt hours (GWh), where a GWh is equivalent to generating (or consuming) one billion watts per hour, almost as much as the world's battery production to date? Exactly

But (by tweet) it's Musk himself who explained that too much automation could only create problems. And it is not a coincidence that the production manager of Model 3 has just been expelled …

Of course, it is obvious that Gigafactory produces only batteries and that the cars are born in other factories. But we are confronted with two completely different strategic visions between the "tent" and the one that is announced as the largest factory in the world. To the point that it is legitimate to ask the question: what is happening now of the famous Gigafactory? Nothing. "Its construction – they explain to Tesla – proceeds in stages, so that Tesla can immediately start production in sections already finished and continue to grow.Today, the structure already covers an area of ​​more than 176 thousand square meters, with more than 455 thousand square meters of multi-storey operating space, and less than 30% of Gigafactory has been completed so far. "

We are talking about the world's tallest building , fully powered by renewable energy sources, a monument to high technology that – according to Tesla's plans – will significantly reduce the cost of Tesla for cells thanks to the economy of scale , innovative production, waste reduction and simple optimization made by "placing the largest part of the production process under one roof".

Tesla Model 3, the factory at full capacity

Everything is wonderful. Ok. But now we are at the tent. And what's going on there? Mystery: armed guards monitor with military precision the border made of large metal networks. And all the photos you see on these pages were taken by the famous scoop photographer Stephen Lam (then published by REUTERS) with a long telephoto like a bazooka. One thing is certain, however, the tent works: from there come out "7,000 cars in 7 days" as tweeted Giulivo Musk. Faced with the Gigafactory: also in the Tesla there is a little poetry

  Tesla, from the Gigafactory to the tent