Thailand, attempts to dig a tunnel leading to boys failed


Hopes to reach the boys trapped in the cave by Tham Luang in Thailand with an alternative road to the dangerous underwater track fade. Attempts to drill a tunnel about 200 meters from the group have failed. The Guardian sent the written on the scene of the accident. At this point, the only ways out are the tunnels, partly flooded, caves.

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This is how the evacuation of 12 children and coaches would be close and risky. A seal of the Thai navy. RIP # ถ้ำ หลวง #ThamLuang #Thamluangcave # 13 ชีวิต ต้อง รอด # Thailand

– anonymousAsia (@anonymousAsia) July 6, 2018

So he is stuck in a desperate attempt to save the boys. "I am not yet able to dive," said the governor of Chiang Rai region, during a press conference at which the interior minister was also expected but who left the site of operations. "We want less risk and the best possible plan," he added, ruling out an impending start of the rescue operation, despite the danger of further rains.

The deceased rescuer. A Thai diver, Samarn Unan, a former member of the Bangkok Navy Seals Corps, a volunteer who died during rescue operations. On-site relief coordinator, Governor Pbadakorn Boonyalak, announced the death due to lack of oxygen during the refueling operations of the youth group. In some parts of the cave – which is about 600 kilometers northeast of the capital Bangkok – oxygen gets scarce.

The old Thai seal died of asphyxiation trying to turn around After arranging oxygen tanks in the cave, the deputy governor of Chiang Rai region, Pbadakorn Boonyalak , announced. Kunan was 37 years old. "At first, we thought our boys could stay in the cave for a long time, but the situation has changed, the weather is now limited," said Marine Commander Apakorn Yookongkaew, who is responsible for the rescue.

Kunan is already considered a hero . We still do not know if the death is due to the lack of oxygen during the dive or the tank malfunction. A tragedy that has thrown in the same distress rescuers for the recovery of boys: if an expert can die in the difficult journey that separates the boys from safety, worried about the possibility that the young, exhausted and weakened after almost two weeks, can accomplish this transfer. Transfer that is still "urgent": "it must be done quickly", it is the pbadword that is repeated, among the rescuers, in front of the cave entrance where expect desperate families who pray for see soon healthy and save their boys. The new alarm, besides the risk of new rains, is dictated by the lack of oxygen: trying to see if the new tunnel can be the solution, the rescuers carry a tube in the cave to pump the air .

of oxygen. The level of oxygen in the cave where boys are trapped dropped to 15%, well below the normal value of 21%. This was announced by the rescue operations managers, without specifying how much autonomy the group has trapped about four kilometers inland. We continue to work without stopping in the installation of a long tube, nearly five kilometers, that can enter the oxygen in the cavity where young players are prisoners. A telephone cable to communicate with the outside is parallel to the pipe, in the hope that it will allow the children to talk to their parents. The level of oxygen has dropped due to the presence of hundreds of lifeguards in the tunnels of the cave. The former Navy Seal who died today was laying down oxygen tanks along the 1.7-kilometer road to reach them from the intermediate base that rescuers use for their supplies.

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