Thailand: cave rescue advances – Asia


(ANSA) – BANGKOK, JULY 2 – Rescuers who since June 23
they are trying to save twelve boys between eleven and I
fifteen years old and their trainer lost in a cave in the north
from Thailand are a few hundred meters from the point of
what is thought that the group was able to find shelter in front of him
at the rising water level that would have blocked them
inside. The Thai media report it.
According to the governor of Chiang Rai Province, who leads
research around Tham Luang cave, the teams of
Rescue are about 400 meters from the raised call-in cavity
"Pattaya Beach", and are equipped with provisions and cylinders for
enough oxygen. The way to get there, however, is a
tunnel full of ups and downs and covered with mud.
About a thousand people participate in the research, also
with the help of specialists from six foreign countries. no
the contact has never been established with the group of the missing.


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