Thailand, guys in the cave: the oxygen falls, the submarines die. "They will come out from where they entered"


MAE SAI – Race against time to save the lives of 12 boys and their coach trapped in a cave in Thailand for two weeks. The rescue operation will still take time, as we test the safety conditions of an exit with the children's tanks – said Narongsak Osottanakorn, the governor of Chiang Rai Province, in northern Thailand. Children trapped in the cave "have already learned" to use diving equipment, but the rescue operation must be "tested" to ensure "minimal risk," said the governor. "We are trying to define the best plan," he explained, "if the risk is minimal, we will try, we are worried about the weather and the level of oxygen in the cave." "The boys have entered the main entrance and from there will come out," he said again, denying the hypothesis of an alternative exit through another tunnel.

In the previous hours the rumor had spread to reach the trapped boys it was possible to open an alternative route to the dangerous underwater route: the excavators had identified in the cave of Tham Luang a tunnel about one meter wide which leads to about 150-200 meters from where they are located. Until now, it was believed that they were at least 800-1000 meters under the mountain.

Meanwhile, however, the alarm of recent days for a dangerous reduction of oxygen in the underground niche where Monday were found the 12 Thai boys and their coach cost the first victim of this bad adventure started June 23 with the disappearance of boys. The situation in this direction has worsened, oxygen in the quarry is decreasing – to 15%, well below the 21% contained in the air – and it could start raining again: "We must do it quickly, "say the rescuers

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A former officer of the Navy Seal, the subunit of the Thai navy, is in caused death because of the extremely low percentage of air of the human presence that made its way from the old lethal Pattaya Beach – where the 13 survivors and 10 other divers with the doctor are currently based – up to # She called Saman Kuman and was 38 years old, a man who, according to his superiors, has given the best of himself since the beginning of the tragedy. continues to hold not only Thailand, but the whole world, with the resounding breath. Saman Kuman placed boxes for equipment to be found to boys and rescuers along their possible journey to salvation

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His sacrifice shook the entire community of parents, soldiers, volunteers and journalists gathered in front of the Tham Luang caves, while relief operations leaders fear at this stage to have to consider more seriously the hypothesis of waiting for the end monsoons. An officer explained to us that the risk of a long wait is not limited to the missing 4 months at the end of the monsoon showers, because waiting for the most difficult sections to cross with the tanks will have to wait until March, the end of the winter season which brings with it other rains, limited but sufficient to maintain high mud levels where the mbad is denser and without any way out of the bedrock

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Yesterday had already happened two more British private business sub – enterprises and three others are about to arrive today, all specialized in rescuing people stranded in the United States. other difficult places on the planet, such as the caves in northern Thailand on the Burmese border where the young players of the Wild Boar Academy Mae Sai are. Their convocation was linked to the hope that the boys would have already regained strength to cope with the difficult pbadage to the exact spot where the diver Saman would have died, but at this point everything is uncertain and no one feels able to guarantee that somebody, even expert British divers, will be able to help them in time before the new torrential rain forecast for tomorrow. A Danish deputy minister, Ivan Karadzic, said in the evening (local time) that thanks to the pumps and the many efforts, the water situation has improved and there are more chances of them. exit.

Boys' drama technique is now international. Elon Musk, the innovative entrepreneur, owner of space exploration company Space X, will also send engineers to Thailand to explore the possibility of participating in salvage operations. "The engineers of Space X and Boring Company will go to Thailand tomorrow to see if we can help the government, there are probably a lot of complexities that are difficult to badess without being there in person," he wrote on Twitter. The Boring Company is a Musk company that excavates tunnels for advanced transportation systems. The idea is to insert into the cave a special nylon tube that allows the pbadage of children and rescuers without the need to dive, thus avoiding the problem of the water level that does not occur. is not fallen yet enough.

Already today compared to yesterday, the sky has been overcast and just an increase in air humidity to start the precipitation in the heap system that covers the entire summit of mountains where the caves are, with the highest point at more than 1300 meters. Unless the miracle of discovering pbadages upstairs leads directly to Nern Nom Sao (the point near Pattaya beach where there are 23 people between boys and rescuers), the possibility of a visit to Natta is not a problem. a long wait in the Khun Nam Nan Nong Forest Park is now more than a guess.

Technicians and workers at work outside the caves have already started preparing the current connections to bring pipes that can pump oxygen into the caves to ensure a sufficient level for them. Prolonged and sad waiting for a slow rescue that already costs lives and an incalculable figure in equipment and personnel.

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The king of Thailand promoted Saman Gunan (name versions differ according to diction) to the rank of sergeant for his contribution to relief. The former officer, who works for a long time for the AOT military aviation company, will be honored with a special funeral ceremony tonight at Chiang Rai International Airport, an hour from the caves , and the Royal House announced that will provide for the maintenance of his family who lives at King And where the former under-soldier will be buried.

An officer says that despite the accident, all units of the Navy Seal will continue to do their best and even risk their life if necessary because it is part of their "indispensable and dangerous work".

Meanwhile, a campaign phone has been activated inside the children's cave and may be able to talk to parents today, but it also depends on the water level which, despite the reduction of the last days, still prevents their evacuation.

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