Thailand: Live the boys in the cave, maybe months to save them – Asia


It took more than four months to bring to the surface the group of 12 Thai children found alive yesterday with their trainer in a cave in northern Thailand after nine days without contact with the outside world. This was announced this morning by the Bangkok Army, while attempts to dump the water from Tham Luang Cave with huge pumps installed by the rescuers only made it possible. a limited success. According to a spokesperson, the boys, all aged 11 to 16, will have to practice diving during the rainy season, which ends in November, and wait until the risk of rain falls. In the meantime, they will be nourished and badisted without interruption, even psychologically. Many doctors have already said that they were willing to spend periods with them in the raised point where they found refuge from the water that flooded the cave shortly after their entry on June 23rd.

First contact established with the 12 children and teaching with the divers inside the cave. # ถ้ำ หลวง #ThamLuang #Thamluangcave # 13 ชีวิต ต้อง รอด # Thailand

– anonymousAsia (@anonymousAsia) ] 2 July 2018

The group of boys was found 400 meters from the cavity of "Pattaya Beach" remained dry during the floods, and Apparently, they n & # They have not moved from there for the duration of their disappearance. Rescuers have identified the area for days as the only possible escape route for the missing, which has not been heard for nine days now. It will take a few hours to attack the recovery operations and report the missing to the outside of the cave, added the governor of Chiang Rai Province, who directs the rescue operations.


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