Thailand: months to save boys – Asia


(ANSA) – BANGKOK, JULY 3 – It could take more than four
months to bring the group of 12 children to the surface
Thais found alive yesterday with their coach in a
cave in northern Thailand after nine days without contact
with the outside. This was announced this morning by the Army of
Bangkok while he's trying to dump the water from the cave
Tham Luang with huge pumps installed by the rescuers have
only a limited success.
According to a spokesperson, the boys – all between 11 and 16
years – they will have to be trained to dive all the way
the rainy season, which ends in November, and wait
that the risk of precipitation falls. In the meantime, they will be
fed and badisted without interruption, even psychologically.
Many doctors have already said that they are willing to spend
periods with them in the raised point where they found refuge
of water that flooded the cave shortly after their entry
last June 23


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