The 450 migrants at anchor in Pozzallo, Salvini: s disembark for women and children


The Fontex device Protector ship and the police patrol officer Monte Sperone are still standing off the coast of Pozzallo, which yesterday saved a boat with 450 migrants near the island of Linosa. According to what is learned, the refuge for the landing would not yet be officially attributed, to even though from Moscow the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini communicates via Twitter the green light to the transfer of 16 mothers to the land and 11 children . Ships now off Pozzallo: we will allow women and children to land and be safe, for all others the line remains the one that has been followed up here. Our goal for the future that these people, especially women and children, do not leave and die, more, reads in the tweet of the minister. At the end of the afternoon, migrants landed from GdF and Frontex boats moored in Pozzallo Bay will be at least 50 women and children

Government contacts count with the offices of the EU

after obtaining the availability of France and Malta to receive 100, he also resumed the s of Germany that to collaborate with Italy after requests for sharing the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte ready to welcome 50. A decision, that of the German government, all of the disconnected from a possible opening of our country to the secondary movements of Berlin. Italy has not been willing to accept secondary moves from Germany from government sources. From now on – explain the same sources – we will work in a multi-European European perspective capable of integrating the principles of sharing and mutual accountability as envisaged by the conclusions of the last European Council.

Medical checks, food delivered for an additional 24 hours

During the night, an investigation was conducted by the Pozzallo Marine Medical Officer, Vincenzo Morello, and other health workers on the ship Monte Sperone, on which there are many minors. There was no medical evacuation. The Municipality of Pozzallo, with the coordination of Ragusa Prefecture, will deliver food and beverages sufficient for at least 24 additional hours to both boats. There is currently no supply of drugs, which military ships are equipped with. We hope that the situation can be unlocked as soon as possible, on board the two ships there are people who suffer and not goods. At the moment, we have no signals, said Pozzallo Mayor Roberto Ammatuna. We have a proven and efficient reception system – he added – but we need time to get it up and running at full capacity.

After the other migrants, letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to embbadies

If there is no response from partners and under these conditions the 450 will not be allowed to disembark, said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte yesterday. What sent a letter to the President of the European Commission Juncker, the European Council of Tusk and other European leaders to seek the immediate application even after the last case of migrants at sea of ​​the European principles baderted at the last European Council at the end of June, because Italy no longer wants to tackle an isolated problem of all the European countries. In the evening, the Foreign Ministry, in close contact with the presidency of the Council, sent diplomatic notes to the embbadies of the EU countries to solicit the willingness of their respective governments to host each of the 450 migrants rescued at sea and now in the port of Pozzallo. Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi stressed that the initiative of the Italian government is particularly significant.

Malta attacker: unacceptable accusations

On the case of the boat with 450 migrants, internal relations with the EU remain tense. The statement that Malta has not complied with its totally unacceptable obligations has written to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat in a letter to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, in response to a letter from the same Tale about the content of which Muscat is puzzled . In his message, however, Muscat confirms its willingness to take care of the people on the boat, in accordance with our telephone agreement. In the current case Malta, as in all previous cases, acts in full compliance with the rules and international conventions, said the Maltese Prime Minister recalling that the boat was 53 miles from the Italian territory when he entered in the Maltese SAR. .

Czech Prime Minister Babis: the road to hell. The closing of Hungary

The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babis, one of the countries of the Visegrad Group, responds on Twitter: I have received a letter from the Italian Prime Minister Conte asking for it. EU to take over some of the 450 people now at sea. Such an approach is the road to hell. Our country – he continues – receives no migrants. The only solution to the migration crisis is the Australian model, which is not to land migrants in Europe. Even the same distance taken by Hungary, which says no to Istvan Hollik, spokesman for the parliamentary group Fidesz, party of Prime Minister Viktor Orbn. Hungary does not welcome anyone. Hungarian voters have made it clear during the last elections: they do not want to live in a country of immigrants, said Hollik, answering a question about the availability of Budapest to receive a share of migrants transhipped on Italian ships as requested by Prime Minister Conté. The Hungarians rejected the Soros plan and then concluded, defining Soros boats (armed by NGO-funded entrepreneur and American naturalist George Sorosoros, highly critical of Orbn and his handling of the migration crisis, editor's note) who save migrants in mare

Fico: The road to hell not knowing how to welcome everyone together

Babis's position statement responds in the afternoon to President Roberto Fico: The road to hell does not know how to welcome everyone together in a perspective of solidarity. I repeat that those who do not accept the actions must be heavily sanctioned, we read in a tweet. The comment of Manlio Di Stefano, Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs, also returns: The EU has many benefits from which the Visegrad benefit, but also homework to complete. Be clear to President Andrej Babis and others on the same line of thinking. Italy demands respect and sharing.

Salvini: quick identifications and pacts with Africa

Matteo Salvini – who had returned yesterday from Veneto to reaffirm: Facts and no words – today, on the pages of Corriere della Sera he puts his strategy to tackle the problem. emergency of immigration. Quick identifications, men for territorial commissions, stricter criteria for humanitarian protection and in the year the new permanent repatriation centers will be activated, as written in the government contract. The ultimate goal of having at least one by region explains the Minister of the Interior. The Territorial Commissions (those which must or may not recognize international protection) have 250 more officials and by the end of the year at least 170 more will come and we will use European funds to reduce bureaucracy, he said. There are over 130,000 pending procedures: they must be disposed of quickly.

Reduced to the expenses of the reception

Salvini also plans a reinforcement of the follow-up on the centers of reception: we will close those with the managers involved in the judicial investigations. And just to keep away the scoundrels, we will reduce the reception fees In collaboration with the National Anti-Corruption Authority: From 35 € per day and per immigrant we will go down to about 25, without reducing the services, with a saving of 500 million year that we will invest in security. With regards to evictions, the prime mover badures that you are working on this subject from day one.

Incoming a decree-security

Viminale at work, anticipates Salvini, also on a "security decree" which, among others, will address the issue of so-called refugee-vacationers. We are talking about foreigners fleeing their country but coming back for the holidays (and yet we gave it protection: normal ?!).

Your Thalbada, stationary of the two suspects

Meanwhile the prosecutor of Trapani issued a detention decree against the two migrants landed two days ago from the ship Diciotti, Bichara Tijani Ibrahim Mirghani and Ibrahim Amid, until 39, here investigated in free freedom for private violence. Investigators confirmed their role in the attack on the crew of the ship Vos Thalbada who had rescued them and the magistrates decided to change the charges by challenging the crimes of resistance, violence and threats against the officials and the competition for illegal immigration

Open Arms in Sar Libica

In these hours, according to what was reported on the site of the maritime traffic which monitors the ship's roads, Proactive Open Arms of the Spanish Open Pro is heading to the Sar zone of Libya. The boat is followed a short distance from the yacht Astral, the same NGO. Even though Italy closes the ports – the non-governmental organization writes on Facebook – it can not put its doors to the sea. We are sailing to this place where there is no danger. illegal immigrants or delinquents, only human lives are in danger. And too many deaths on the seabed

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