The Agreement on Migrants in Germany


After hours of meetings, German Chancellor Angela Merkel signed Monday night an agreement with Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on migrants, avoiding his resignation and a crisis that could have weakened the German government. The pact provides for the establishment of "transit centers" along the German borders to carry out faster and more precise checks of asylum seekers, rejecting them if necessary in the states of the European Union. where they requested their arrival from third countries. with these states. According to many observers, the new system will no longer affect the politics of migrants, as Seehofer would have liked with more incisive measures

Seehofer is also the leader of the Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CSU, Conservative Party). regional historic ally of the CDU Merkel), the regional conservative party active only in Bavaria, where it will face a delicate regional election in October pursued by parties of the far right who risk, for the first time since the 39, after the war, to win the absolute majority of seats. local parliament. He called for stricter policies in the management of migrants, including the possibility of expelling people who have arrived in Germany who have applied for asylum in another European country, even without agreement with these countries. Merkel was opposed to unilateral solutions that did not involve other countries, a line that she could continue to offer only a concession to Seehofer, put in trouble by her own party in the last hours, and which was therefore sufficient to bring back the crisis. Mr Seehofer will not resign from his position as Minister of the Interior and will resume his collaboration with Merkel, whom he has not spared from criticism in recent years, notably on his choice to host a million migrants in 2015.

Seehofer He told reporters that the agreement allows "to prevent illegal immigration along the border between Austria and the United States". Germany ", but did not provide many other details. The pact must also be approved by the Socialist Party of Germany, which governs in coalition with Merkel. The major parties have long been committed to showing that they have stricter plans on the issue of immigration, to stem the electoral successes of the far-right party and openly alternative. xenophobic in Germany

After the strong pressure received by the CSU, last week, Angela Merkel had proposed a rather vague agreement to other European leaders meeting in Brussels, pledging to build new centers for Asylum seekers and to make the home system more rigid in Germany. This solution – which has yet to be defined in detail and which is subject to the maintenance of commitments by other European countries – has been defined by Merkel in accordance with CSU demands, resulting in the threat of Seehofer's threat. expel all asylum seekers to Germany but have applied for asylum in other countries of the European Union.

This is the theme of the so-called secondary movements : Merkel intends to discourage them, and worked in this The last European Council, but always said to be against expulsions of people already in Germany, arguing that it is more appropriate to involve other European states and seek their cooperation. The Chancellor fears that a closure, even partial, of the borders of Germany may jeopardize the principle of the free movement of people and goods, one of the most important achievements of the 39 European Union and that contributed to the economic system from German

On the weekend, Seehofer had strengthened its position, which, however, was not appreciated by several members of the CSU , opposed to the prospect of a real crisis, which could have led to late Merkel's government. Without clear support from his party, criticism from other coalition members and from the public, Seehofer revised his positions and accepted the compromise on border control centers [19659007] (function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return} js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = "https: / / / en_US /all.js"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, FJS)} (document, "script" "facebook-jssdk ")); [ad_2]
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