"The alarm of racism is an invention of the left"


In the last month and a half there is more than one episode recorded in the minutes when the victims of the attacks are migrants [VIDEO]. For this reason, even the Forces of the Order are conducting investigations to understand if there can be only one common denominator. The Polizia Postale also contributes by conducting checks on certain social profiles to verify the presence of subjects fomenting xenophobia. However, the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini said that this "alarmist racism" was nothing more than an "invention of the left".

The many chronic cases reported by newspapers

The first badault was at Caserta where two boys, from Mali, were flanked by a race car from which blows of compressed air began.

A few days later, in Naples another migrant was hit with a shotgun. A few days pbad and it is the turn of Forlì when to be wounded was a Nigerian woman and an Ivorian man. As a result, a new aggression, occurred in Latina Scalo . The victims are two Nigerians, while they were waiting at the bus stop. Picking up again the news archives, we find the case that also aroused the attention of President Mattarella, or that of the young Roma injured in the back while he was in the arms of his mother to Rome . Then there are even more recent episodes. A Caserta a young man from Guinea is hit in the face by an air pistol, while in Vicentino the victim is a black worker [VIDEO] who was working on a scaffolding.

Finally, the case took place in the province of Palermo where a 19-year-old Senegalese was beaten and insulted. And in addition to these very serious facts, there is also softer (but just as discriminatory), as the case of the lady who raised his dog against an immigrant at the beach and that of two riflemen accused of having falsified evidence to mentor a migrant and to have a recommendation

Mirabelli and Maestri: "These are not isolated cases"

Senator of the PD Franco Mirabelli and the l & # 39; Exhibitor of Possibile Andrea Maestri considers that these events can not be considered as isolated cases and that Matteo Salvini has responsibilities in this respect, because it has a political and public role. And if Mirabelli only asks the minister if and how he intends to deal with the issue, Maestri uses a louder tone, saying that "now the sign has been pbaded" and that " the government eliminates the worst racism & # 39; & # 39 ;.

Reply of Matteo Salvini

Despite the many critics suffered, not only by the opposition, but also by magazines, personalities of the show [VIDEO] intellectuals and, as in the latter case, even from the island of Majorca, Matteo Salvini remains inflexible with respect to his line.

And for the facts of this news, he reported with a decided tone that & # 39; & # 39; The alarm of racism is an invention of the left which Italians are decent people, however, they are at the end of patience "and that" his job is to guarantee security and serenity ".

This article has been verified with:

  • https://roma.corriere.it/notizie/cronaca/18_luglio_27/otto-episodi-45-giorni-l-ipotesi-dell-emulazione-pista-razzismo-9e69a460-91d6-11e8-9a85-e773adbfcd34.shtml ? refresh_ce-cp
  • https://www.fanpage.it/salvini-lallarme-razzismo-e-uninvenzione-della-sinistra/

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