The ambulance is not there, the TAC is broken: it dies. And the Nas arrive


LARINO (CAMPOBASSO) – He feels bad, and for a 47-year-old man he begins an odyssey, waiting for the ambulance to stop Tac. Then, the trip from Molise to Puglia. Here, at the hospital of San Giovanni Rotondo (Foggia), doctors note his brain death. Now on the topic the Health Minister Giulia Grillo announced the dispatch of a working group of experts badisted by Nas, asking "immediately clarity on the regional organization". "We want to get to the bottom quickly – says Grillo – It's not possible to die because of poor organization and lack of important badistance, especially in a region, Molise , where the failed management of the past is not behind us ". And he expresses his closeness to his family.

It all started Tuesday in Larino, where the first point of intervention of the hospital was recently closed. The family members of the man who had an illness call 118. The ambulance – according to a first replenishment – at that time is engaged in another intervention. When a vehicle arrives at the end, the man is taken to the hospital "San Timoteo" of Termoli (Campobbado). But here, it turns out that the TAC is in scheduled maintenance, so unusable for a few hours. At this point, it is decided to move to the hospital of San Giovanni Rotondo (Foggia), where the man arrives however in desperate conditions and soon after the doctors can only determine brain death.

The Ministry challenges the organization's organization of neurological treatment: "The 12 neurosurgery beds of Cardarelli de Campobbado have not been reconfirmed by a provision signed in 2017 by the Commissioner ad acta." The activity was entrusted solely to the private Irrcs Neuromed agreement of Pozzilli (Isernia). "There is Paolo Di Laura Fracture, governor since 2013 last May and already health commissioner: the minister, he says, was in parliament but He did not take the floor when the operational program of the Molise region was approved by law, while Pino Puchetti, mayor of Larino, explains that it will affect the power of attorney to know if the closure of intervention "may set up a break in public service." Donato Toma, the new governor of the fortress, asks to "immediately review the Balducci decree to avoid other tragedies."

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