The anti-Salvini homily: "The Italians first? No men. And the Minister: "I kiss" The video


MARTINSICURO – Don Federico Pompei is not present in the offices adjacent to the Church of San Gabriele. His cell phone is off. And even in the neighboring hotel that belongs to the parish properties, it was not seen. After the dust raised by his words against Matteo Salvini, pronounced Sunday during the homily of the first morning, that of 8:30, his sermon seems to resonate again in the silence that reigns at Villa Rosa, a fraction of Martinsicuro, at the border between the Marche and Abruzzo during the lunch break. "She is from her sister in San Benedetto del Tronto – explains an acquaintance – and asked not to be disturbed.Tomorrow, if he wants it, he will be available again.Today for him this year 39, is a day of mourning and meditation, one of his nephew died prematurely and the burial will be him to celebrate. This is Giovanni Pompei, a former player who played in teams like Sambenedettese and Ascoli, who died at the age of only 37 years old. Serious mourning for the whole family

Tourists in Trentino

On Sunday morning, during the homily, Father Federico surprised the faithful, among them also about twenty tourists from Trentino (as reported La Voce du Trentin which reaped the bestowal of one of them), attacking too slightly the current Minister of the Interior. According to the local newspaper, the priest took as an example a Romani woman asking for alms at the church entrance and explained that in addition to the charity, much more should be done to accommodate and help people in difficulty by opening, if necessary, the doors of their homes to those who are sick and not just delivering a coin to beggars. Then Salvini criticizes for no to the boats loaded with migrants looking for a landing on the Italian coast.


At this point, again according to what is reported by the online journal, some Trentini, obviously upset, got up and gave up the job while she was still in course. The priest's version is different. Before taking refuge in silence, Father Federico repeated several times that he had been deformed. "In the Sunday homily, I commented on Paul 's second reading inviting Christians of the time and now to live charity as equality. I have said that Salvini's motto "Prima gli italiani" is not in harmony with San Paolo and that we should say "Prima l'uomo". The journalist added unspoken expressions and only three people left the Church, "he said this morning to still online diocese diary of San Benedetto del Tronto – Ripatransone – Montalto who defends him and speaks of "media lynching for Father Federico who defended the equality of all men."


"I only made that statement and j & rsquo; Hope that those who listened to me reflected on this expression of St. Paul instead of going to Salvini, "Don Federico explained yesterday to a local channel without noticing it have increased the In support of his thesis, in any case, also the statements of other parishioners who recount how, in his words on Salvini, only a small family consisting of father, mother and child s'. is raised and directed to the exit of his Twitter profile, citing the fact of "mbad against Salvini and in favor of men Roma daughters and illegal immigrants, "last night the minister took the opportunity to bring water to his mill:" Also to this priest send him a hug that I just try to d & # 39; 39, apply a little common sense. After, hundreds of likes and shares and very few soft comments for the religious.

July 3, 2018 (modification of July 3, 2018 | 20:45)


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