the big states impose loyalty on European missions


Salvini Line & # 39; revisited & # 39; For the first time, in the 38 days of the life of the legendary government, the line of the Minister of the Interior is corrected by the allies

"In Innsbruck I will ask the closing of the Italian ports to the ships of the international missions" talks about the informal summit of EU internal ministers scheduled in the Austrian city the day after tomorrow. This is not the case, we do not take off international missions: Defense Minister Elisabetta Trenta, Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi, the two dicasteries responsible for the case, as well as Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio. But it is the top three today at Palazzo Chigi between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the two Vice Presidents Salvini and Di Maio that the correction is punished. Now, in Innsbruck, Italy will ask for stronger control of the EU's external borders and "isolate Macron," say government sources, stressing that it's the position of all the l & # 39; The executive, not only of Salvini and his allied European rulers. But also Salvini and Conte will have to re-discuss: it even needs a new summit Wednesday, before the departure of the Minister of the Interior for Austria

On international missions, the owner of the Ministry of l & # 39; 39 Interior – with the entire government – will have to wait until informal summit of European heads of state in September in Salzburg. And 'one of the first places in sight to review the rules of European international missions in the Mediterranean: the Themis, which does not necessarily plan the landing in Italy, and the Sophia Eunavar, which instead plans the berthing In Italy ships find to rescue migrants at sea. "A revision of the strategic mandate" of the Sophia operation is imminent, said a spokeswoman for the European Commission, Natasha Bertaud. But "the decision must be taken unanimously by foreign ministers of the EU" as for all missions of foreign policy and security, said another spokesman, Maja Kocijancic [19659004] The question is not simple. And certainly Salvini is now forced to give up the idea of ​​dealing with it in Innsbruck. Italian ports remain closed to NGOs, a line decided by the minister a month ago, with the entire government queuing up. On the other hand, for international missions, it did not work. Correct line. It was discussed at the summit with Conte and Di Maio in Palazzo Chigi, after the same vicepremier pentastellato had declared that "the goal is to change the rules of engagement of the missions", not to close the ports. That can not be done, there are rules: for military missions, they are respected.

What's left? Salvini goes to Innsbruck with a "our document", he says. "Our priority is the defense of the external borders". But before leaving, another summit with Conte will be necessary to establish the details of the Italian line. Today, it was not enough. In addition, on the agenda in Innsbruck, Salvini has a bilateral program with his German counterpart Horst Seehofer on Wednesday afternoon, and a trilateral with the same Seehofer and the Austrian Minister of the Interior, Herbert Kickl, Thursday morning before the European summit. The fact is that the French colleague Gerard Collomb asked to meet Salvini on Thursday morning, but this bilateral is not yet finished on the agenda of the Italian Minister

because the objective of Salvini for the Innsbruck summit is to isolate Macron, deemed the least sensitive to Italian demand to strengthen control of the external borders in the south of the EU. The leader of the Northern League relies on the axis with Seehofer and Kickl, the now well-known axis of wills between Germany, Austria and Italy, which aims more than anything to pocket a political loot from Europeans next year. But this amounts to canceling the conclusions of the European Council of 28 and 29 June, these "voluntary" agreements for the opening in Europe of new repatriation centers hailed by the entire government – the Count and Salvini himself- same – as an Italian victory. This was not the case: it was understood how Macron was exhibited ("No to the new centers in France") a few hours after the signing of the agreement. But the evidence of the hole in the water will be there in Innsbruck

Because the Austrian summit will be discussed on the basis of a document that speaks of repatriation centers in third countries: outside from the EU. This is the original Italian proposal, marginalized by the activism of Merkel (behind the scenes) and Macron (protagonist) at the Brussels summit. If in Innsbruck, Salvini managed to isolate the French president, Italy will find itself in the axis of will with the Austrian and German nationalists, with the Kurz government – so to speak – and with Seehofer, the Internal opponent of Merkel.

As long as it brings something to Belpaese. Because the interests of volunteers do not always coincide. Or perhaps they only coincide in order to win a majority in the European Parliament next year with a coalition of sovereigns and a "Orbanised" or "Kurzised" Ppe. The Austrian threat to close the Brenner remains on the table. Especially because the interest of Seehofer remains on the table to conclude agreements to reject migrants already registered in other European countries. In other words, the chain of sovereignism does not go far, it finds walls: inevitable.

Salvini insists and today he takes it with a new target: the Turin prosecutor Armando Spataro, according to which "no one can ban a boat at the dock." 1951 The Geneva Convention on Refugees provides for the right to non-refoulement ". "I was intrigued – meets Salvini – the statement of the Turin prosecutor who decides what may or may not make a government elected by millions of Italians .. I think that block the ports to those who help the human traffickers is not a right but a If someone thinks otherwise, they can apply for the next election. "

But from today onwards his line is at least "under observation".

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