the brain is still functioning shortly after death


What happens after death? Are we aware of being dead? Apparently, according to researcher Sam Parnia, who badyzed the awareness that patients have after cardiac arrest, what is called "death" on the biological level. But let's see what it means.

Pre-death and extracorporeal experiences. When we talk about death experiences, we usually distinguish between "extra bodily experiences" and "pre-death experiences" and are often seen as the result of hallucinations or delusions. Illusions and studies in this area are rare. To better understand, the scientist Sam Parnia investigated the stories reported by patients with cardiac arrest.

What is death? Parnia explains that "contrary to common perception, death is not a specific moment, but a potentially reversible process that occurs as a result of serious accidents or diseases of the heart, lungs and brain that stop working properly ". According to the scientist, if we succeed in reversing this process, we are facing a "cardiac arrest". If we do not succeed, then we can talk about "death".

What happens during the experiments before death. The researchers told us that 39% of people who survived cardiac arrest said they were aware of the phases of biological "death". In short, they understood what was happening and what they told the researchers was what had happened. in the hospital or in other situations where their heart has stopped working, before recovering.

But why do not they all remember? Scientists explain that probably this experience of awareness of biological death lives there, but that sedative drugs intended to recover from the operation eliminate the memories and that, therefore, only some of them will Remember it.

Conclusions. In short, according to Parnia, it is not a hallucination before death, but an experience experienced during cardiac arrest: we are therefore aware that we are dying, also because our brain continues to be active, so we are aware for 20/30 additional days. seconds after the heart has stopped working.

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