The case – Death threats to Mayor Appendino in an anonymous letter: "You killed Turin" | Italy


The letter and post of Chiara Appendino

The letter and post of Chiara Appendino

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Turin – The Mayor of Turin Chiara Appendino received a letter of death threats. "You and your sect of 5 crazy and failed stars killed Turin – you read in the letter delivered to your home this morning, Saturday, November 3 – You must now die. We know where you and your family live. Sleep very worried. "

To report the anonymous message, on social media, is the same first city. "Maybe it's a bad joke," said the mayor, announcing that he had filed a complaint, but one thing is certain: I will continue to play the role for which they were elected with serenity. "


The Digos of Turin acquired the letter, stamped by the Post Office on October 30 and written to the normographer: under threats, a cross was drawn with a black marker. Investigators from the Turin police headquarters will begin the investigation, which will determine whether the sheet and envelope have left fingerprints.

M5 reactions

"Maximum solidarity for our mayor Chiara Appendino", wrote on Facebook the leader Luigi Di Maio, 5 stars, on the post of the first city of Turin. "I'm standing next to Chiara Appendino, who this morning received a cowardly threatening letter," tweeted President Roberto Fico. "Come on, Chiara. We are, we are closer today than ever before. And thank you for your courage, your consistency. Nothing and no one will be able to stop the change you are making, "summarizes the social profile of Danilo Toninelli, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, while Virginia colleague Virginia Raggi quotes Gianroberto Casaleggio instead, who said: "They will not be able to get rid of us because it is difficult to win with those who never give up" and launch the hashtag #iostoconChiara.

Other political forces

City Council President Fabrizio Ricca, a leader of the League, also expressed his solidarity: "We are ready to stand up to his defense against any intimidation recalling the dark moments that Turin does not want to see anymore." Vice-President Enzo Lavolta (Pd) said that "despicable and cowardly acts must be condemned firmly and always. Solidarity with Mayor Appendino and his family ". According to the former mayor of Turin, Piero Fbadino, "these threatening and intimidating acts reveal the moral abyss and the human misery of those who think and do it.Anyone with a civil and democratic conscience can only condemn them in the strongest way ".

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