The case of migrants reported in Slovenia. Police: "We act according to the rules" – national page


"No irregular refoulement at the Slovenian border," swears the police chief of Trieste. "Everything is done according to the rules". We understand in fact the loss of the poor wretch who, after weeks of walking in the woods of Slovenia and Croatia, threw himself into the arms of an Italian policeman thinking he had succeeded. But this is not the case because there is an impersonal, icy, even cruel Schengen agreement that establishes its destiny.

According to Schengen, if an irregular is identified in a "border" and in the so-called "immediacy" of the entry, it can be resumed at the border and entrusted to the police on the other side. This is a procedure called "readmission" that replaces the old "rejection" of the time when borders existed. Abolished precisely thanks to Schengen.

This is what happens every day at the Slovenian, Austrian and French border. To regulate these "readmissions", EU circulars fix the space and the time. By border strip, we mean a corridor 150 meters to one side and the other of the line of demarcation. maximum of 2 hours. Then there is an Italian-Slovenian bilateral agreement signed in Rome on 3 September 1996, which entered into force on 1 September 1997, which was more extensive in terms of territory and time. According to this agreement, it can be "readmitted" (and it has become mbadive since arrivals from the Balkans have intensified and there are many more patrols to control the border, including forest rangers mobilized by Governor Mbadimiliano Fedriga) who did not apply for political asylum.

The national database

Whatever the case may be, given that the Slovenian police are not happy to find illegal immigrants, the whole procedure is documented (and according to the police station, this occurs in the presence of Interpreters, but who knows if this really happens at any time of the day or night) to then share with colleagues on the other side of the border. Foreigners take fingerprints, which are compared to the national database and Eurodac to check if the person has not been photo-signed in Slovenia, Croatia or Greece. In the second case, the procedure is longer and more complex. And if ever police officers from other countries have identified them, the procedure is paradoxically faster. Foreign minors are not readmitted, but entrusted to appropriate Italian reception facilities, and therefore especially to sick people.

The case of those who landed in a hotspot in Greece is still different. Or who asked for asylum in a country of the European Union and who then comes to our border: a forest of different legal situations which, in the eyes of the migrant, coming from immensely distant countries, represents a Russian roulette incomprehensible. And this may be interpreted as a whim of the policeman in front of him. However, it is up to the Slovenes to accept them. Therefore, Italians must document with receipts, train tickets, any evidence, the immediacy of entry into Italy. So, if the fire is given, strictly before 4 pm because after the Slovenes no longer exist, the aliens are delivered "exclusively with means to the colors of the Institute of State Police" at the Krvavi Potoc police station (Pesek).

The charges against Zagreb

What happens from that moment, only Slovenians know it, but it is conceivable that they have direct agreements with the Croatian police. And nobody doubts that it is an infernal circuit for the unfortunate who ends up in this circuit. Very few rights are recognized for migrants, especially on the Croatian side. The latest Amnesty International report reminds us that "Croatia has continued to illegally send refugees and migrants to the country located in Serbia, without giving them access to an effective determination procedure."

d & # 39; asylum. In cases of refusal, sometimes even within Croatian territory, the police regularly resorted to coercion, intimidation, confiscation or destruction of personal valuables and to a crime. disproportionate use of force ".

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