The center-right breaks on the Rai


It's simply the end of hypocrisy. That of a center-right that has not existed for a long time. And this certifies it on Rai, who became, according to the metaphor of Giovanni Toti, a perfect "Sarajevo incident", with Marcello Foa in the role of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The casus belli, mainly sought after by the two parties involved, Salvini and Berlusconi. That, less sensational twists from here to the Vigilance Committee vote on Wednesday, heralds the end of the center-right as a political experiment.

The facts: the Knight, excluded from the negotiation on the record closest to his heart (television), decided, strongly supported by almost all his leading group, Gianni Letta in the first place, to vote against the president indicated by the government and communicated after the choice because "we face an arrogant act" and "accept this means to condemn ourselves to indifference and subalternity"; and Salvini, aware Arcore's warrior drafts, chose not to pick up the phone, although aware that the interview itself would produce the effect of a half-thaw, because this would give the sign that Berlusconi is still a political "interlocutor" and not a ballast that must be released. At least for the moment

They badure that the league leader does not intend to open a negotiation on the name and is ready, in case of reverse vote of Forza Italia, to "break", delegating responsibilities to Forza Italia. Which, of course, does not mean to question, with masochistic acts, the coming of the North, but certainly to end the "pacchus", because it is true that Berlusconi, for the moment, is harmless for the government to protect the companies, but also true that, until now, the government has been harmless with Berlusconi and Mediaset. Just as, for a kind of quiet life among the allies, up to now the gates have not been opened to those who, from territories to Parliament, have asked the Lega to leave Forza Italia, with its 8% of polls, his dusty slogans, his "casting" televised faces among new courtiers.

The feeling is that we are not confronted with a diplomatic incident or a situation that has eluded the hand. But that the last page (or one of the last pages) of a story is consumed. Salvini's is, say, a "field choice": he is placed, throughout the negotiations on appointments, as the protagonist of the new phase with Di Maio and not the former partner who talks about TV with Berlusconi; he put his name on the table, thus rebelling "who commands"; now he is ready to download the responsibility for ditch change on the old Nazarene, which is still a profitable place for the government. The acceleration is evident, in a policy era based on the speed and breaking of traditional grammar, with the choice of the five stars as present and future interlocutors, and not Berlusconi who, a few days ago, l & 39; had invited to return with the center right and to end the experience of the government Yellowlover

Several times, in this term, Berlusconi became concave and convex, from the founding act of the government when he gave his "green light", without declaring broken alliance and without major negotiations (see chapter: Minister of Justice). This time, however, through the encirclement of a deeply intolerant leadership group towards Salvini, he opted for a position of principle, rather than a "substantial" bargain, after seeing both of them. Informally Disclosed Names, Fabrizio Del Noce and Giovanni Minoli

What Prodest? Probably Salvini who certifies in the eyes of the public the pbading of the center for an alliance with Berlusconi. And certainly to those who, in Forza Italia, theorize the break with Salvini, dreaming of the Nazarene party with a leader of Calenda. Difficult without voice of Forza Italia Marcello Foa will be elected president of Rai. 26. There are 21 more than the two of Meloni who, net of the method, will support the choice of a "sovereign" president politically and culturally. Very political choice too, in this contrast between the "old" – Pd and Forza Italy – and the new. Even if Foa does not pbad.

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