The child who was walking on his hands arrived in Italy


Born in a village of Guinea Bisseau a small state of West Africa, is not easy, especially when it is altered. But sometimes, fate offers a second chance to smile and come back to life. And "what happened to Nhimadè a child of 9 years came into the world with a significant physical disability that allowed him to walk only with his hands, crawling on the ground. One day, however, the little girl met Matteo Rizzo a volunteer who took his story to heart and promised to organize a fundraiser. After several months of rehabilitation, Nhimadè landed this morning at Catania : Matteo was waiting for him, his "guard father", his guardian angel

Destiny marked

nature was cruel with Nhimadè: the child, indeed, was born without a leg, with a single clue and with a kind of fin in place of a hand. His destiny was marked. I disabled children, in fact, in many African villages are taken into the forest and abandoned: in a few hours, ferocious animals attack and demolish them

One day, however, in this village of Guinea Bisseau, the missionaries of the badociation arrive "Friends of the Mission" . Acireale (center in the province of Catania). Among them, there is also Matteo Rizzo, surveyor, who immediately loved this unfortunate child. The mother, secretly from her husband, had brought Nhimadè to the mission to save her from a horrible fate.

The little girl had immediately attracted the attention of the surveyor: she was walking on her hands, crawling on the ground; all the other children made fun of her [VIDEO] and left her alone.

When Matteo looked him in the eyes, he could not remain indifferent: he felt obliged to help her, to do something for her.

Fundraising and Foster Care

When Rizzo returned to Italy, he decided to organize in the Municipality of Catania Ripost, a grand charity concert (which also participated Franco Battiato and other important artists). In this way, the surveyor managed to raise the necessary funds to bring Nhimadè to Spain, to Valencia, where a surgeon agreed to operate it for free. For the Guinean girl, it was a renaissance: she had, in fact, the opportunity to follow a rehabilitation course that lasted eight months and allowed him to walk on crutches.

During this time Matteo, who managed to become his guardian was fortunate to meet the technical director of the orthopedic center Ro.Ga . of Enna, Rosario Gagliano who realized at his own expense a special prosthesis of last generation

This morning, Nhimadè (who, like all the children of his age, [VIDEO] can now walk and jump) it landed at the airport of Catania-Fontanarossa ; was entrusted to Matteo Rizzo who will help him in the rehabilitation and rebuild his life.

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