"The climate of hatred does not help"


Yellow in Rome. Carabineros' investigations are underway to understand what happened to a one year old Roma girl, residing in the nomadic camp of Via di Salone, wounded in the back in Rome while she was in arms from his mother. Operated today in a serious condition, small metal fragments were extracted from the region of the right shoulder blade. Among the badumptions that could have been hurt by a shot of a lead from an airgun. The mother of the child, after what the woman said to the investigators, entered yesterday afternoon in the afternoon by Palmiro Togliatti with her daughter in her arms when she realized that the Child was bleeding from behind LISE ALSO Roma Roma return home: repatriated with money from Campidoglio
ALSO READ Rome bribes on Roma camps: three and a half years at the Capitol Executive

Associations: do not let the guard down. "We do not know yet if it is a racist act, but from today we will not let down our guard or carry our dignity at the cost of". organization of city guards, both for the security of our people and for the safety of all citizens ". That's what Najo Adzovic, president of the Nuova Vita Association and former Roma delegate of the Alemanno administration, says about the injury of a nomadic girl of one's own. Yesterday in Rome

"The Carabinieri immediately started working. with a great human sense and closeness to the family, with great professionalism and competence, continue the investigation into the fact that the culprit is brought to justice – he adds – As a private citizen, but also as As representative of the Roma community, I would very much like to Prudence to declare two fundamental points: the Roma have lived seventy years in the territory of the former city hall VII, today V, and until 39; now have never been so cowardly against Roma children and women. to think that there is someone who sows hatred and racism towards others and even gives the right, maybe not written, but in fact tolerated by some of them are the ones who protagonists of horrible crimes, without the slightest respect for the law and law enforcement agencies. I hope that the mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi will be a civil party. "

Zingaretti: clarity. " The story of a year-old girl injured in the back, probably by a blowgun, is very serious. Hopes that clarity on the incident will be made as soon as possible and that the person responsible for this despicable act will be brought to justice as soon as possible ". The president of the Lazio region, Nicola Zingaretti, states this in a statement

Polemics " I hope that it is an isolated case – says the president of Nuova Vita – otherwise we will start thinking that there are those who sow hatred and racism towards others, and even come to give the right, maybe not written, but tolerated to some to be the ones protagonists of horrible crimes, without any respect for the law and the police. I hope and hope that the mayor Virginia Raggi, also mother, who is now also his birthday, and for this we wish her our best wishes, wishes that the city of Rome participates in this civil investigation. I hope that the presidents of the territory in question, the Municipio Quinto and the Sesto City Council, the councilors and councilors of the two Municipalities, strongly condemn this gesture against the weakest of their citizens, the children. We do not know yet if it is a racist act, but from today, we will not lower our guard or carry our dignity at the cost of the organization of the city, both for the security of our people and for the safety of all citizens ".

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