The Conte-Trump couple finishes the honor


The unusual attention of major foreign media for the visit of an Italian Prime Minister to the White House, usually a colorless event that barely deserves a short. A relationship that benefits both Trump and Conte.

The visit to the White House of an Italian Prime Minister is usually not a news, except of course the Italian newspapers and television. This time, however, Giuseppe Conte deserved the opening of the Financial Times with a photon-news titled: "Trump promotes Italy's hard line on migrants". The Donald is pictured holding his left hand on the back of the Italian leader, who smiles with all his teeth, while with his right hand stretched forward, he seems to say: look here at a European that I like finally! And he added that he "totally agrees" with what Rome does on immigration, illegal but also legal: a really firm stance on the borders. In fact, at the joint press conference, Trump also gave the "real" news that immediately went around the world: he is ready to meet Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani "unconditionally"


The attention devoted to Conté of the salmon-colored leaf of the city remains, and not only, see the Washington Post or the American Bloomberg, who devotes two badyzes to the visit of Conte à la Maison Blanche, to explain its meaning to investors and try to grab clues about the state of relations between the United States and the European Union. The pilgrimage to the White House lasted nearly 18 months, Theresa May began, then it was Angela Merkel that Trump even denied a handshake in front of the photographers, then it was the turn of the day. Emmanuel Macron, with the famous dusting of dandruff from the jacket, and finally there are ten days to Jean-Claude Juncker, who presented himself with a hat in his hand and managed to obtain a " truce "on billions of dollars on imports of European cars. What has to be gained Counting from a privileged relationship with Trump is pretty clear, having his back covered by a friend with a very strong physique when in September he will have to deal with Brussels on the debt and finance law.


The speech is different for The Donald, he probably sees Count as a useful pawn in his shooting game in Europe and in the rest of the world. On the commercial front, Italian imports to the United States are the ones that give the least discomfort, fashion, design and quality of food do not steal jobs from Americans, just like cars and l & # 39; steel. Between Count and Trump, some exchanged words have not been reported in the newspapers. May be committed to the stars and future stripes for Leonardo-Finmeccanica, whose leap in the stock market does not seem entirely justified by the rise in profit estimates reported in the quarterly exit Monday night closed markets. In any case – despite the point on the sanctions against Russia – we can say that Conte, with the new special government protected in Europe, plays his American card. The feeling with Donald Trump began in Canada in the G7 in early June, when the Italian Prime Minister had collected from the US president a "really great guy", a very smart guy, maliciously translated to Italy by "good guy ".


Great Britain has always been the ideal candidate for the United States in Europe. But between Theresa and Donald has never taken a feeling even vaguely comparable to that between "Ronnie's" Reagan and & # 39; Maggie & # 39; Thatcher. The British prime minister was not able to make friends with either the Europeans or the Americans and he remained trapped in the swamp of Brexit without shorelines to join in to reach an agreement. With a Macron forced to anti-trumpismo to regain consensus at home and an existential Merkel at the antipodes of Trump, perhaps Conte has managed to get in the right direction. A risk free bet. The US president is not exactly a champion of popularity around the world, and one day having been his friend might not even be a benefit. But in the meantime the game is this one and Conte plays it.

Attese & Markets – Week of July 9, 2018


July 31, 2018

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