The Contested 49 Million – The True Story of the 49 Million League, Here's Which Risk in the Different Aspects of the Italy Survey


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At first were the mad spending of the "magic circle" and investments in Tanzania (here the article of the nineteenth century from which the investigations took place). But after six and a half years of investigation it is necessary to understand what really represents the judicial storm of the 49 million euros to be removed by the Carroccio which pushed the Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini to ask a meeting with the President of the Republic.

Who asked for this abnormal number? Who had or had no title to collect it? Has everything been spent or partially hidden to protect it from finance? Who has finished, or is likely to be in difficulty? The judges sentenced the former leader of Carroccio Umberto Bossi and former treasurer Francesco Belsito last year for fraud in Parliament and embezzlement . According to the magistrates during the period 2008-2010, they asked for 49 million public reimbursements in the House and the Senate, even though they knew that some of the expenses that would have been compensated later, had not not previously been allocated to political activity. This does not mean that the League has squandered them all. 49. Those who were obsolete by Senatùr's extended family were 500,000 euros to which must be added the investment of 7 million diamonds and Tanzania more or less restored .

In the financial statements signed by Bossi and Belsito of these transactions there was no trace, and thanks to these invented cards they got a total of 49 million, to cover what had been wasted and disbursed for a real job on the ground. And since to
would lose the title to confiscate the entire appropriation if they had described how they actually used a little money in the party, here is the court set at $ 49 million the value of deception . And orders the confiscation of an "equivalent" sum to be paid by the beneficiary or the League. In short, the scam materializes to request a refund by composing the cards. And since the only political figures to have accomplished such action are Bossi and Belsito, only they take respectively 2 years and a half and 4 years and 10 months.

All cash requested progressively between 2008 and 2010 does not come in one installment: 35 million when the secretary is still bossi (who resigned on April 5, 2012); 12.9 while at the top, there is Roberto Maroni (at the head of July 1, 2012 to December 15, 2013); 800 thousand euros under Matteo Salvini (in the saddle from December 7, 2013) . Another question: Has a person who materially cashed a crime? It depends. In the case of Bossi yes: he knew that he had submitted fraudulent documentation, having signed himself with Belsito. And having appreciated the money after asking for it is an additional charge.

But if a section of money was received while it was not yet considered "undue", and especially without initialing the false accounts, it is not a problem. So, Maroni and Salvini stayed out of the Bossi-Belsito trial and the personal kidnapping, despite the solicitors' lawyers who did their best to involve them . Past or hidden? Successors had the right to cash. And only a later report requested by the Genoese magistrates – the procedure is incardinated in the Ligurian capital because here Belsito operated – established that from Rome they did not have to pay the sums.

So why do they say that both can still be involved in judicial events related to 49 million? The prosecutor's office tries to determine if, having regularly pocketed his segment, they then ambushed him with a magheggi to keep him in the occult position of the league. And finding then how to use the sums without pbading them on the risk accounts (on the official depositions the prosecutors did not find more than 3 million, and the Supreme Court authorizes them to take all that will enter the future 49 ). In this scenario, all the money would not have been spent, but some would have been hidden. It would therefore be a problem to have protected some of the funds by using it disguised when it was officially outlawed according to the study commissioned by the dresses.

And, still in the abstract, this last behavior could only have materialized at the time of Salvini . As a result, the recycling file was opened against unknown persons because the state did not reveal any wrongdoing.

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