The country is depopulated and the mayor sells houses for one euro



The purchase of a house in Tarisa, a small town in the Cosenza region, costs a few euros, or almost nothing: 1 euro. The mayor, he sees his country become more and more depopulated, people go and do not come back. Young people around, therefore, less and less and shops and economic activities that close at an impressive pace. Thus, Roberto Ameruso, launched a suggestive idea: to acquire the numerous abandoned houses of the municipal patrimony and to sell them to young couples at the symbolic price of one euro.

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"We have censored – said Mayor Ameruso – the abandoned buildings. At the present time, we have counted twenty and most of them belong to people who have no interest in keeping them. We have developed regulations to acquire these municipal heritage houses. The next step will be the approval of a notice addressed to young couples. We are also considering the possibility of avoiding notary fees for buyers, with a free transfer of properties. "

Ameruso is optimistic about the outcome of the operation. "We have already found – he explains – that there are couples interested in the proposal and owners willing to sell their properties for free". That of the depopulated countries, especially in the hinterland, is however a phenomenon more and more generalized in Calabria. And it is above all an old phenomenon. The case of Badolato caused a sensation more than 30 years ago. The center of Catanzaro was renamed "country for sale", after the mayor had the idea of ​​acquiring abandoned houses and selling them at advantageous prices.

An operation that has been a great success, to the point that today Badolato Superiore is a village that is reborn to a new life, with many houses bought and renovated by foreigners and representatives of the world of l & # 39; 39, art and entertainment. Now comes the idea of ​​the mayor of Tarsia to revitalize the country and attract young couples by practically giving them a home and charging them only the costs of restructuring. The economic aspect of the question is however anything but secondary, since almost all the houses involved in the operation are in very poor structural conditions.

The Ameruso initiative also aims to revitalize the economic fabric of Tarsia, which is increasingly impoverished. "We must do everything – says the mayor – to revitalize our country, not only to renovate buildings, but also to activate new businesses and enhance the natural and cultural heritage for sustainable tourism" . Topics to be developed at a conference organized by the City on November 8th.


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