The crucial point of the 70,000 EU migrants "should" return to Italy


In Europe, about 70 000 migrants are destined to return to Italy, in accordance with point 11 of the European Council conclusions. These are the so-called "secondary movements of asylum seekers between Member States". "They risk jeopardizing the integrity of the common European asylum system – the Council writes – and the Schengen acquis ".

They go back to the years 2014-15: many immigrants arrived in Italy and then crossed the borders, especially in France and Germany. The phenomenon has therefore been reduced to a minimum. The photo-signaling procedures of the landed foreigners organized by the directors of P, first Alessandro Pansa then Franco Gabrielli, guarantee 99% of the identifications. Thus, since then, in an attempt to leave Italy, the likelihood of being pushed back to the borders has become very high. The estimated 70,000 migrants – Italy, in contrast, could release around 10,000 – are a huge sum. Point 11 would in theory be superfluous, in accordance with the Dublin Regulation. But the dramatic tone of the conclusions – "Member States should take all the necessary internal legislative and administrative measures to counter these movements" – reveal the nerve discovered. Prince Giuseppe Conte points out: "I did not promise anything to Merkel" about the secondary movements

If in Berlin a process of return of migrants in Italy was activated, Rome would not look. The conflict could become very hard. In the European text, insiders note the other incongruous or even impracticable point: "supervised centers" to "distinguish irregular migrants" from "people in need of international protection". In Italy, the closed structures have until now been only the CPR (repatriation centers, ex CIE) of 100 to 200 places each. Interior Minister Matteo Salvini wants to revive them, "one in each region" repeats. Those badumed by the Council in Brussels – "on a voluntary basis" – would rather be centers of several hundred places controlled by police forces. None of the experts bet a euro on the possibility of seeing them in Italy: there are already problems with the CPR, even less with these maxi-centers. Conte emphasizes: "Italy has not given availability" on the new centers. The Minister of the Interior confirms. "Europe has understood that Italy is there and decides," he said.

"We demanded firm commitments, now we rely on goodwill, as demanded Visegrad," commented former Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni. "We have not cashed in very hard money, time will tell if they are blank checks," adds former Minister Marco Minniti (Pd). From Milan, the President of Inps, Tito Boeri, observes that "the most worrying scenarios for pension expenditure provide for a significant reduction in migration flows already underway. The problem is very serious. "Twitta Salvini:" According to Boeri, immigrants pay Italian pension and the Fornero law does not touch. But that's enough! "

Yesterday, a boat carrying about 120 migrants sank east of Tripoli, between 3 am and 4 pm The boat sank six kilometers from the coast, with at least a hundred missing , now drowned Among the bodies already recovered, there are those of three children, a little more than the newborns.The Libyan Coast Guard has managed to save only 16 people

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