The culture of doing, even becoming unpopular. Marchionne, the manager who chose the road less easy


What Marchionne would have done after the Fiat-Fca will never know. They wanted it in politics, management guru or rich retired teacher. The deductive workout – not inspired by the past or emotions and reasoning about all badumptions, choosing the best and the believer – would certainly have brought God knows where, certainly to a new challenge

It's not easy to understand if Sergio Marchionne will leave a footprint in the Italian management or if his path will remain unique, also because of the particular conditions in which Fiat has been found at least three times in its history. The harmful result of his illness will not allow in the coming years to collect from the protagonist history "remote" many choices. In senior management, more levels of decision making have been eliminated, many have left and the results have certainly not been hindered. "Leadership is not anarchy – it was one of his favorite phrases – and in a big company, those who govern are alone." Collective guilt, shared responsibility, does not exist, I often feel lonely. "

He was an acquired behavior scrapper, where the sweater between the links was only an aesthetic aspect that brought him closer Silicon Valley old boys rather than circles of entrepreneurs, a decision maker. who took responsibility for very delicate choices. Probably very tiring. Sharing decisions with everyone also means "rebaduring oneself" in the quota – part of the possible mistakes.

He explicitly attempted a break with the "keep everyone good", very Italian and gattopardesco as often noticed the manager born in Chieti. Small concertative, very pragmatic, physically close and at the same time terribly distant from the rituals of the category. "Capita – commented in those hours the President of Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia about the sensational release of Fiat-Fca from the badociation – that individual companies can give rise to more advanced practices than representative organizations, the remains goes for trauma or for comparisons Marchionne chose the first route and we arrived later, but the landing is still the same. "

Italian by birth (son of a Marshal of the Carabinieri, high sense of duty), international for training and culture. 19659006] If the curriculum can be a trace of mature beliefs, you can easily read the imprint of the management controller and the lawyer of bargaining, intersections between business and letters and philosophy
Being able to see Italians from abroad (a condition now becoming commonplace for many young people making their way far from the peninsula), suffering the defects of this mixture of nostalgia and anger that do not resign themselves, helped to cope with the strong discontinuity. Start the puzzle in the air and try to replenish a new one with the help of those who until then had only experienced professional frustrations.
Break with some unions and intermediate subjects, in an ideal dialogue with the employees of the group in the world. A parallel path – and not coincidence recognized by both – with the first movements of the Renzi government. The policy to use (he took Barack Obama's expectations on the revival of the American car), rather than being used

The top manager, who ended his career half a century after leaving the US Italy, book ideally link some indications that are not easy to metabolize for our culture, management or otherwise. Keywords: competition mediocrity, meritocracy over achievements, leadership, conquest of records

Excessive bureaucracy – he said – on the one hand kills companies and others part discourages competition from those who want to enter the market. Jobs are not judged in the short term but in the balance between lost work and work created. Some uncertainty about the maintenance of his work (a topical issue) must be taken into account and managed without having to offload all the social costs on companies, security and flexibility must find a balance, a legal certainty and regulatory. The work is lacking because the capitalist who risks – the money and the time – misses in a new venture.
These are concepts that can be heard in various conferences. Marchionne's difference was to face directly – tenacious Abruzzians – at every node of the Fiat house and in Italy, preferring to speak clearly. It does not always help to make new friends or keep old ones. But I think it helps to be direct and honest. "
What Marchionne would have done as a result of Fiat-FCA will never be known.They wanted it in politics, management guru or rich retired teacher.The deductive training – not to be inspired by the past or emotions and reason on all badumptions, choose the best and believe it – certainly would have brought who knows where, certainly to a new challenge.

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