The curse of the Speakers of the House


From Casini to Fico, pbading by Bertinotti, Fini and Boldrini. They call it "the curse of the Presidents" and, since the early 2000s, have hit all the tenants of Palazzo Montecitorio.

The third state office, starting from the Second Republic, with the exception of Luciano Violante, was intended for the leader of one of the minor parties who constituted the majority of the government. The president of the House then, is an institutional role and which covers it, generally abandons the positions of the parties to badume, in fact, an institutional aplomb, above the parties. And so it is that in 2001, after the center-right victory that brought Silvio Berlusconi back to Palazzo Chigi, Pier Ferdinando Casini left the leadership of his party for s & 39; to install in Montecitorio. Marco Follini becomes first secretary of the UDC then, since 2004 vicepremier. From this moment, Casini and Follini will play in tandem for "shore", or rather hammer the government. "The UDC makes a lot of mistakes, Casini does not know where to go, it's in the middle of the ford ," said Berlusconi, increasingly annoyed by the distinction constant of the President of the House of the time. He comes to the 2005 regional elections that decide a defeat for Berlusconi who is forced to give life to a new executive. Follini is left to devote himself to the party and in 2005, he resigned from his post as secretary and soon after pbaded with the center. Casini, a few years later, will follow his own path and the political career of both will be decisively affected.

Making the "talking crickets" of his government majority, does not pay. He is well known Fausto Bertinotti who becomes president of the House thanks to 5.8% obtained by Rifondazione Comunista at the Politiche of 2006. After 10 years, the left still argues on who is responsible for the fall of the second Prodi Government: whether Clemente Mastella took away his trust or, while using the words of "Professor", "which continuously undermined the action of the government, which made certain statements institutionally questionable …", it is Bertinotti who he compared to the "greatest dying poet". Not only that. The Speaker of the House at the time called his government a "hot broth." Expression that will return after the vote of the Politics of 2008, when the radical left, for the first time, will not enter the Parliament. Prodi will take his revenge by saying, "In Bertinotti I recommend being refreshed with a heated broth."

A better fate certainly did not touch Gianfranco Fini who, after mounting the wave of justicialism and abandoned the fourth Berlusconi government in 2011, he ended himself in the process of grinding because of the fault of the famous "house of Montecarlo". The PDL leadership of April 2010 in which Fini is repudiated as Speaker of the House and allies of the government will remain indelible in the memory of the new policies. "If you want to make political statements, first you resign from the presidency of the House," Berlusconi condemns.A sentence to which Fini will respond with the now well-known: "What are you doing? Are you stalking me?" The rest is history. concludes with a figure that will be the headstone on Fini as a politician: that 0.4% obtained by Fli at the policies of 2013.

It is certainly premature to badume that Roberto Fico becomes the 39, inspirer / promoter of the fall of the government "yellow-black" and even less so that he has in mind to found his own party but the ongoing distinctions in immigration seem to be the remake of a film already seen, now we can not even know if this movie is the "reissue" of those just described or if Fico just aspires to become the "movie". paladin of migrants' as was Laura Boldrini in the previous legislature. Only time will answer these questions but the future timidly announces stormy for the Conte government.

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