The dark side of the Impruneta double murder / VIDEO / PHOTO – Chronicle


Impruneta (Florence), July 2, 2018 – In the glove holder of Dario Capecchi the 43-year-old Impruneta, 43, who killed Father Osvaldo and his companion Patrizia Manetti, Friday night carabinieri found a knife. But it would not be that, according to the investigators, the weapon with which he would be fierce, and so, on the victims

He will establish the autopsy which should begin tomorrow the medicine legal. The main perplexity of this knife is the shape of the blade: it is serrated, while the wounds on the corpses would fit on a smooth edge. Apparently, the knife is clean. The weapon of crime thus remains, for the moment, the only obscure point of a story that, despite the delights of Capecchi – "I killed because I was killed. I commanded Isis " he says confessing" – he takes increasingly clear contours

The carabineers seem to exclude a first hypothesis that Darius would have stayed in the house of via Longo for a few hours, before to get out. His Panda was heard starting to run in the middle of the night. It remains to be seen whether there was even a fight between him and his father as soon as he returned. The voices heard by the neighbors could be complaints: Osvaldo and Patrizia were struck while they were in bed but then, with the forces they had, they left the room, perhaps to try to ask help, so much that the corpses were found at once out of the bloody bed. Dario allegedly wandered around Impruneta, then in the early morning, he was having breakfast at the people's Footprint, at the opening of the gas station that he was providing to the Panda and at that moment he was leaving for this kind of escape. When he was away from home, the bodies were discovered. Neighbors were suspicious of the lowered blinds, and also the other son of Osvaldo Capecchi, worried about this silence. It was he who gave the alarm. Suspicions immediately focused on Dario. For ten days, he had interrupted the treatment ordered by the San Casciano Mental Health Center who had followed him. The situation precipitated. Yet, despite the known problems, this last period for Capecchi did not seem so negative. He had found work in an oven, drenched in downloading videos to YouTube while mixing the music that he loved. Deputy Prosecutor Mbadimo Lastrucci's inquiries will also focus on the health aspect, to understand if the tragedy of Impruneta could be avoided. Stamani, in Sollicciano, must validate the detention with Judge Farini.

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