The day of the celebration – Genoa today celebrating the 70th anniversary of Costa Crociere | Liguria | Genoa


70 years of Costa Crociere: the big party in Genoa

A mega toboggan of 340 meters in Via XX Settembre and a beach on the Piazza de Ferrari, and began the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of Costa Cruises [19659003] <! – ->

Genoa – The loungers of Piazza De Ferrari as on the deck of a boat, for sunbathing. The inflatable slide 340 meters long in the center via XX Settembre. The record of the great pavement, the wire with flags (2070) of the longest nautical tradition in the world.

For the Costa Zena Festival, wished by the Costa cruises as a gift to Genoa on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the company, the city center and part of the Old Port were transformed into a cruise ship during a day. And the celebration continues with performances at Porto Antico with Maurizio Lastrico, Bruciabacche and other artists, and concerts with Michele Bravi, Elodie, The Kolors, Francesco Gabbani, Ermal Meta, Irama; finally, to close, Al Bano and Romina, fireworks and at 23:30 light show and water.

The day started with the beginning of the slide: General Manager of Costa Crociere Neil Palomba, President of the Region Giovanni Toti and Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci, in shorts and t-shirt made the first descent, compensating with laughter at snags on the way. It is unfortunate that the attempt to conquer the longest crash record in an hour was unsuccessful, but 2000 people at 16 today had already launched. The party is a gift from Costa to the city, and the company is planning a return with a dedicated terminal for its ships. " We intend to invest more in Genoa without penalizing Savona," said the Costa Cruises ad Michael Thamm. And for the moment it's more optimistic than the 5-year-old indicated by Palomba.

"We hope to do it sooner – he said -. It depends on the speed comparisons with institutions to find a space "he explained. Costa Cruises now has a thousand employees in Genoa, 19,000 aboard the fleet's 15 ships (including 4,000 Italians) and 7 ships under construction by 2023.

The crowds for concerts (Video)

Anniversary Costa, the fans are waiting for concerts (Photos)

Costa Birthday, Glide and Smile (Photos)

With the Pesto Buio among the comedians for the birthday of Costa (Video)

Moreno in Genoa for the party of Costa Crociere (Video)

On the donut with the GoPro (Video )

Between queues and entertainment: Genoese comments (full article with testimonials here)

| Genoa, the mega slide seen by readers (Photos) |

All updates of the day

The Carnival CEO: "In the Construction of New Vessels"

A large four-story cake, with yellow fireplace emblem of Costa Crociere ships. It is the most "institutional" part of the day of celebration in Genoa for the 70th anniversary of the company. At the Doge's Palace, the advertising of Costa and Carnival Asia Michael Thamm Nicola Costa remained on the board of directors after the family sold the company to the Carnival in 1997 and Arnold Donald President and Chief Executive Officer of Carnival. Among the guests were also the mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci and the president of the region Giovanni Toti . And to conclude the interventions, the symbolic cut of the big wedding cake. "It's the golden age of cruises," said Mr. Donald, explaining that the group had seven new ships under construction and that it was increasing employment. "We wanted to celebrate with the city that has welcomed us for 70 years," said Neil Palomba, general manager of Costa Crociere, enumerating some figures: a thousand employees in Genoa, 19 thousand aboard the fleet's 15 ships, including 4 thousand Italians and 7 ships under construction, 2 for Costa Europa, 2 for Costa Asia and 3 for Aida. "It started March 31, 1948 with the departure of" Anna C "from the port of Genoa to South America," recalls Costa. "A lady embarks with 768 pbadengers, the first with air conditioning and most of the crew coming from the Rex," he says. "Genoa has been our home from the beginning – says Thamm – and today a third of Costa pbadengers stop in the ports of Savona and La Spezia"

Toti: "The slide is of those who are controversial "

"The real" slide "today is the one who in a festive day finds inspiration for the controversy without grasping the true meaning of this initiative". In a post on Facebook, the President of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti wrote on the Costa Zena Festival in Genoa, responding to comments on social media. "We rather appreciate the success of Genoa, which is spoken throughout Italy, and a sector that brings investment, jobs and opportunities for all, not just in Liguria. And make him smile from time to time, it's good for your health and it will not cost anything, "writes Toti.

The nine-year-old girl found

Serena, a nine-year-old girl who went to the event with her grandmother, was found after the call launched from the Radio 105 stand's stage.

The woman had told the police that the tail was so decided to entrust her to a few people but that she did not know. The fact, according to the grandmother, had arrived at 10:30. From that moment, she had not heard of the girl anymore. The radio speakers have made a number of calls. Then the good news of the discovery came during a reconnaissance tour of the Carabinieri in the company of his grandmother who recognized her in the crowd

(updated version with the Discovery News)

Waiting for donuts

Shortly before 1:30 pm of the long queue of young people waiting to descend on the slide, began a "protest" : at that time there were no more inflatable donuts for the descent . The donuts, once arrived at the bottom, are indeed returned with a van at the beginning of the toboggan, in the upper part of Via XX Settembre.

"Shame to shame" and "without donuts, we are without donuts," shouted people in the queue. In the meantime, water has been brought in to compensate for the heat. Shortly after, the van with inflatable structures arrived and the descents were broken

Malori for heat

Some people in the queue waiting to be able to ride on the mega slip have accused the malors. There are at least 15 ambulance operations of the 118. Firefighters and civil protection regularly water the fire hydrants to refresh the public

"Complex" and entertaining descent of Bucci and Toti

A rather special, sometimes amusing descent: both the governor and the mayor probably did not manage to slide for the water that was not yet fully present on the toboggan ( photos
). The next descents will surely be faster

"This is a record day for Genoa and Liguria, not only the gigantic slide that occupies the entire shopping street, but also the number of stands, shows and concerts. A beautiful day that seals an old relationship, that between Genoa and Costa Crociere. Hopefully it will be the prelude to a very rich season for the cruise industry that creates jobs and jobs for all our ports, Genoa Savona and La Spezia, said the governor of Liguria [19459016GiovanniToti. "The slide was a moderately daring test for taking politics and administration with a smile, there is also a growth model that gives us big numbers and great satisfactions," added Toti afterwards. having tested the slide via XX Settembre where, in vain, a book of Guinness records was attempted.

Mayor Marco Bucci wore a t-shirt with the logo "Genova more than this". " Today is a celebration for Costa Cruises and for Genoa, and the two things together celebrate the place for both, the city and the company. We are discovering how to work together to make tourism more efficient. Next year we will have more than 30 Costa boat bins in Genoa and it's a beautiful thing ".

In the video below, Toti and Bucci on the slide. Review our live Facebook

Gran Pavese, Costa Cruises broke the record

Costa Crociere broke the record for the grand Pavese, the longest line of nautical flags in the world, placed two kilometers along the course of the Costa Zena festival between the XX Settembre via and the old port. Diletta Leotta, with the official Guinnes World Record Judge Lorenzo Veltri, delivered it. "The record was reached with 1,840 international maritime flags in one thread ," said the judge. Nothing in fact, however, for the record of the longest slide made in one hour along the 340-meter long inflatable slide in the center of Genoa. "He jumped – said Veltri – there were many meters to overcome and we could not beat him, but the Guinness world record for the great crown of Pavia's seventieth birthday Costa".

Genoa – Costa Zena Festival

| Photo: The slide from above
| With the inflatable doll or in the "superman" position: the Genoese on the slide |

Diletta Leotta, godmother of the Costa festival at the inauguration

Costa Crociere, the CEO confirms: "Think of a terminal in Genoa"

Costa Cruises CEO Michael Thamm confirms his intention to return to Genoa with his own terminal
. "From next March, we will have stops in Genoa and we plan to do more, otherwise it means a reduction for Savona because we will have many ships that will enter our fleet in the coming years and there are volumes for all Ligurian ports, "says Thamm on the sidelines of the Ducal match at the Costa Zena Festival.The times will not be short. " We are mapping the city and my dream is to find a home in Genoa to bring here also the other ships that enter the fleet, obviously in addition to what we have developed in Savona which is our main home port – says the general manager of Costa Crociere Neil Palomba – Five years is a pretty ambitious goal but we try. " Thamm hopes to be able to close in tighter times. "It depends on the speed of our comparisons with institutions, we hope to do it first," he says.

The operation has the support of Mayor Marco Bucci: "We are working with the collaboration of all to find a space ". And the President of the Region Giovanni Toti also emphasizes: "This does not mean penalizing Savona, indeed the real opportunity is the increase of cruise ships.A dozen are under construction and will arrive in the Ligurian ports in the 8- Next 10 years: we need wharves, spaces and stopovers, not to reduce them.There is room for everyone. "

All events of the day

Philippe Daverio will be delighted that the other evening he complains of the lack of tables at De Ferrari, to see the sun loungers and umbrellas around the fountain of the festival of Costa "Zena Festival" : 10 from today to the night founded between concerts, shows, fireworks and cabaret.

The seventieth edition of the records now aims to win the second Guinness: the one of the longest slide in one hour, after that of the Gran Pavese already brought by the Maltese architecture firm Benedetti of Genoa, row of marinated flags also pbaded on the roof of the Palazzo Ducale. After the inauguration of the toboggan of 340 meters from via XX Settembre, with the conductor Diletta Leotta, and the opening to the public continues with the party up to 20 hours tonight.

Details of the great event organized by Costa Crociere for his seventieth birthday. A birthday, the seventy of Costa Cruises, which makes a nod to the silver economy, of which Genoa and Liguria want to become the capital, but also to the stronger love Genoese batteries: with the expanding fleet, we know that the company wants Go back with your cruises on the docks of Superb. It is not a coincidence that the yellow fireplace, symbol of Costa, returns to several places along the path of the festival that will enliven the city today.

| All Events: Program and Road Network Changes
| The party, however, among the big names of the last generation – as Francesco Gabbani, Ermal Meta, Moreno and the Kolors – aims to involve young and very young people, including concerts, sports and the entertainment. For them, the most anticipated moment is the concert of Radio 105: the concert begins at 20:30, the animation of the scene of Porto Antico at 18 years old. Of course the simultaneous presence of the concert, at the Arena del Mare, by Romina and Al Bano – the latter also idolized by the new generations after the huge presence of judge at The Voice – will pose a dilemma for the undecided: throw on the legend or focus on the news? Difficult to free yourself from the choice.

| Video e

Photography: Oliviero Toscani in Genoa for the birthday of Costa |

This is good for everyone, however, the show of lights and water that will take place from 23:30, after concerts on both stages of the Old Port – that of Al Bano shot on the happiness notes (red thread of the entire event). To be fired from the sea, to accompany the party towards the end, it will be the lights and water of the Water Mapping show. Thanks to the extended transit time (including the metro that will remain open until 2), the Genoese can live until the last minute this great day of celebration and joy.

| Video: Al Bano al Gaslini, phone call to Rovazzi to make a child happy |

The atmosphere of a great event was breathed yesterday, between De Ferrari and the Porto Antico via Via San Lorenzo

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