The Democratic Party meets again not to decide: Martina secretary and congress (a renziani piacendo) before the European elections


Infinite postponements and attempts to heal wounds were not enough. The Democratic Party has been in tatters since the last elections were presented to the much-coveted National Assembly with even more confusing ideas about how it started. The streets, as provided for by the by-laws, are two: immediately convene the convention or elect a secretary by an absolute majority of those entitled, ie 501 votes. And here's the rub: the Regent Maurizio Martina made it clear that he did not want to be a secretary at maturity, but no one intends to immediately open them Congress dances. Too many nodes to solve and dynamics to clarify. And above all, part of the party wants to hinder the road to Nicola Zingaretti the only so-called novelty on the democratic scene. Meanwhile, the mediation that seems to have been achieved is to re-elect Martina and to hold the congress before Europeans 2019 . It's in its way the umpteenth way to not decide: the internal showdown is postponed and the Renzians will try to move the congress until the end after the elections for Parliament of the EU . One way like another to keep the party. There is much anticipation among others for the intervention of Matteo Renzi expected in the badembly: it seems that he will talk about the government, which will clarify its positions and will try somehow to recover the scene. In any case, he could jump at the last minute

Tomorrow at 11 am my speech at & # 39; #AssemblyPD live on Facebook. I'm waiting.

– Matteo Renzi (@matteorenzi) July 6, 2018

As rebuilt by the ANSA agency, 24 hours of the National Assembly, he it was even Martina threatening to withdraw their candidacy thus forcing the Democratic Party to immediately celebrate the congress. An arm wrestling has continued all night and will last until 10:30 am when the Assembly begins. In the background also the internal controversy over discontinuity of the profile of the Democratic Party compared to that of Matteo Renzi demanded by the internal left and opposed by the Rennes wing. In the past few hours, the umpteenth rumor has been rumored that Renzi would have been ready for splitting (released by Affaritaliani). The refusal of Luca Lotti and the spokesman Marco Agnoletto arrived at the time. So they think about it for months, but it's not yet the moment (or there's not enough taken to really do it).

The only thing that can be done today by the Assembly (among others da renziani) is to elect, or reelect or confirm, Maurizio Martina. If there is no quorum (but "it would be a political act" underlined Ettore Rosato ), the former deputy of Renzi as regent will become secretary with all powers of the case, such as appointing a secretariat. Also on this point there is agreement, on the idea of ​​a unified team. Of course, there is no lack of veto or doubt, like that of Gianni Cuperlo about the renzianissimo Luca Lotti, which opened a controversy but immediately closed by Cuperlo. In the background, as a comet, the hypothesis of the application of Graziano Delrio to the secretariat is also pbaded. A road that, although much sought after by the former minister who dreams of pursuing his political career, was immediately belied by the person concerned: "I am not available for personal and political reasons," he said. at Rai Radio. to their ideals. The congress phase opens. We must start from a reflection on the content: what does Italian society need? What message do we want to give? The party needs humility, no personalism and division. We must discuss the content. A confrontation between political forces, cultures and models of development is under way. We must find the right words. There is a great cultural challenge. I do not want to underestimate the theme of leadership, but by talking about people we have forgotten about the needs of society. "

The real battle will be at this point if and when the congress will be convened." As the ANSA writes, before the European elections of May 2019, the left supports Nicola Zingaretti in his announced appointment, but also AreaDem by Dario Franceschini and Piero Fbadino.This does not bother the majority of the Renzians, as it appeared at their meeting on Thursday, but the real evil plan (according to them) would be to overcome the elections and to arrive in the fall of 2019. In order to hold the check on the lists and the party.And here Martina is stubborn who does not want to be elected secretary to the deadline, and asked not to not set the date tomorrow, postponing the decision in December.In the end, a Byzantine formula could emerge, such as "Congress in time for the elections", different in 2019.

It must be said that the only notable movement back -plan is that of Martina, who he took the ball at the beginning of Pier Luigi Bersani to the Republic to open a path of dialogue, inviting him to discuss the future of the left directly to the National Day of the 'l'; unit. A first approach, which follows the approaches already put in place by the most active wing of the internal minority, especially the one that refers to Andrea Orlando. Expanding the range of action is also the goal of the area close to the governor of Puglia, Michele Emiliano. "After the electoral defeat of March 4, the center has the duty to rebuild its credible return to the voters," Francesco Boccia explains. "We must make all those voters who have left, intercepted by the M5S and who are now in the government, in spite of themselves, with the right of Salvini, with them we have the duty to dialogue. to do, we have to come back to represent them all together. " No foreclosure, therefore. This concept should also apply to Carlo Calenda, promoter of the Republican Front, who has appetites within the Democratic Party, but who has not really warmed up to date. Especially because the former Minister of Economic Development has always chosen as leader Paolo Gentiloni who in turn has drawn from the competition to sew a more role as federator, a little 'what was Romano Prodi in the mid-nineties. In this waltz of proposals lies the silence of Matteo Renzi, who chose to address directly to Ergife, in front of all delegates.

What is certain is that the Democrats have not even got out of their emergency that they already have to face another. In recent hours he was arrested Marcello Pittella President of Pd Regione Basilicata at home in the development of a local health survey of the Guardia di Finanza. The leaders of the DP said that they respected justice and sent a note of solidarity to the governor. But this is only the beginning of the umpteenth case where the new secretary will have to withdraw.

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