The dispute – Piaggio Aero, wage delay in November: skip the meeting between the company and the unions | Liguria | Savona


A demonstration of Piaggio Aero workers

A demonstration of Piaggio Aero workers

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Savona – With uncertainty on the of the company now we add that pertaining to wages. Piaggio Aerospace, the aerospace company based in Villanova d'Albenga (Savona) who announced the start of the extraordinary administration procedure a week ago, informed employees that the November salary will be paid with "slight delay for technical reasons" related to the extraordinary administration request.

The communication took place shortly after 14 hours, when in theory it should have opened a summit in the Savona area of ​​Unione Industriali between business and unions specifically about wages. A coincidence that angered the workers, making the planned meeting unnecessary. One hour after the scheduled time for the appointment the management of the company has not yet presented.

8 hour strike

Strike of 8 hours and mobilization also in Genoa after the news that Piaggio Aero will not pay the wages of tomorrow. "The leaders did not even tell us if there was money in the cashier," says Bruno Manganaro, Genoese secretary of Fiom, who speaks of a "shameful situation created by the company." The attitude of the government that attracts the commissioners and leaves the position. " workers without pay. "For the secretary of the FIM Cisl, Alessandro Vella," the dispute over Piaggio is the drop that threatens to overflow from the social sphere. As the government quietly takes 1,200 families this month, they will be without pay. "For Antonio Apa, secretary of Uilm Genova Genoa," we need an act of responsibility on the part of everyone, especially the Society, so that the plot does not take an extremely negative turn. also to M. Mise that it is possible to appoint the commissioner tomorrow. "Tomorrow in Genoa, the workers will be in badembly from 8 am then they will go down in the street.

Toti: "Very serious"

"The non-payment of wages to the workers of Piaggio Aerospace is extremely serious and the government is acting immediately with all the tools at its disposal to force the current leaders of the company to pay without delay." That's what Ligurian governor Giovanni Toti said, after hearing the news of non-payment of the November salary to the Piaggio Aero workers. "The Government will take steps to appoint the Commissioner Extraordinary in the coming hours, identifying, without picturesque lottery procedures or the lottery, a personality with adequate capabilities and able to transport the company into the future" adds Toti. "I am already ready to meet the trade union delegations tomorrow to agree on all possible actions and joint actions to support the industrial future of Piaggio," concluded the governor of Liguria.

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