A donation of approximately 2,300 euros per month to parliamentarians expelled by the Five Star Movement. Luigi Di Maio, the income from citizenship gave it to those who threw out pentastellate groups from the House and Senate. The last, in order of time, is the vice-sailor Andrea Mura. Candidate as "supercompetente" (right of author Di Maio) to the uninominal, absent in the House, expelled after the imprudent statements made to the newspaper La Nuova Sardegna in which he candidly admitted to have been chosen by the M5 as "testimony". "I do politics with my boat," is the concept expressed by Mura. Drained grillini counters. With consequent gain
Because the honorable skipper, like the seven other stars transited in the mixed group, will have to do without the strict rules of restitution and report established by the Internal Regulations published a month ago on the Stars Blog. Di Maio took the honors, but also the fees. In Montecitorio, Mura is in good company. With him there is Salvatore Caiata, wanted for recycling, Catello Vitiello, Mason, Andrea Cecconi and Silvia Benedetti, captured by the Hyenas to cheat on the repayments of the last legislature and Antonio Tbado, sentenced in the first instance because he was selling counterfeit CDs. But, apart from the extra money pocketed by those expelled, nothing has changed. Pending the decision of the sailor, the five deputies are all registered in the Mixed, in the component Maie. This represents the Italian Association of Associations Abroad, a group that has entered the majority with a lot of under-secretary for foreign affairs. Ricardo Merlo, Italian-Argentine senator and founder of the Maie, was placed in Farnesina. And all the "unpresentables" to vote in favor of the provisions of the Conte government.
At the Madama Palace, the miraculous are Maurizio Buccarella and Carlo Martelli, both registered as independent as Misto. Even them with a full salary and majority. Both were part of the patrol car awnings bank transfers, they decided to support the yellow-green government.
Just the case of the "repayment" grillina convinced the leaders to change the rules for the management of the economic treatment of parliamentarians. The quota system for the Micro-Credit Fund for small and medium-sized enterprises was dropped, a mechanism that had favored the proliferation of tips for retaining full indemnity. Henceforth, each "spokesperson" must return to a "collection account" at least 2,000 euros out of 5,250 of the monthly salary, to which will be added the 300 euros to the account of the Rousseau badociation "for the maintenance of technological platforms supporting the activities of groups and individual parliamentarians. "And we must not forget the overpayments (equal to 1,000 euros) unspent for official M5 events and fees paid to employees, consultants, events and conferences In the last legislature, apart from the credit scandal, the spending of many MPs, including some of the big ones, was controversial and Alessandro Di Battista pocketed € 1,021 for "Transport", € 5,900 for pens, pencils and photocopies, while the senator from Bari, Lello Ciampollilo, with his € 16,668 in taxis, set a real record. purges, however, will no longer have these problems.
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