The energy and gas, the free market comes 58% is still under protection


Many Brescians in recent months (if not years) have been contacted by telephone by call centers offering shorter offers to move from the protected market to the free market of electricity (but also from gas). A choice that can really lead to some interesting savings, but that should be well weighted, even if it is difficult to compare different rates where the cost of energy is only 44% (the rest being fixed taxes).
The transition to the free energy market, introduced in 2007, will become mandatory by July 1, 2019. Unless there is yet another extension: already successful, since it should have come into force on 1 July 2018. It should be kept in mind that the main driving force, the Cinque Stelle, is not at all warm when She leaves the protection regime. To date, 42 users of electricity supply contracts out of 100 in Brescia have already switched to the open market. The remaining 58 remained on the protected market. Citizens, especially seniors with few digital skills, are not used to comparing rates and making calculations that are not always simple. But that pbadage can be advantageously deductible from the high number of businesses and stores that have already switched to the open market (up to 61 out of 100 in the province). Even more important figures come from public administrations, which, in years of continuous transfer transfers, have acquired a good knowledge of ways to obtain greater savings in supply. Under public lighting, 87 out of 100 local governments have already chosen the free energy market. There is more resistance to regime change with respect to gas supply: out of the 494,000 households, only 34% are in the open market.
The transition between the two systems, however slow but constant: has doubled in the last 5 years since in 2012 only 20% of the Brescian families had chosen free competition. A strong incentive to move towards the new system should be put in place with the novelty introduced since the beginning of the year 2018: all the sellers of electricity and gas must also propose a Placet offer. an acronym for Free Price A Terms of protection; this means that you are already in the free market but under conditions defined by the Authority, which is called Arera (Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks, Environment) . Arera also offers an effective price comparison service ( According to a report from, one of the leading comparators of online energy offerings, the free market for light and gas allows, in July of this year, to save up to $ 25,000. at 36% compared to higher protection rates if you choose Option Placet specifically. The recent jump in the cost of oil (which is currently declining) caused an unpleasant summer surprise: substantial increases in electricity (+ 6.5%) and gas (+ 8.2%).
In the selection, the indications of the consumer badociations must never be forgotten: behind a favorable offer, there may be penalties in the event of withdrawal or disordered rates may undergo significant price increases once the first year completed. Last but not least, those wishing to stay in the protected market from 1 July 2019 should automatically switch to the open market with the same supplier. This point needs to be clarified by specific application decrees that are still missing.

July 19, 2018 | 13:01


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