The European trading session continues in red


  piazza Affari "title =" piazza Affari "src =" "data-original =" 2018/07/201807021206308689 / piazzaaffari1-723609.jpg "/> </figure>
<p>  Discounts on the Milan Stock Exchange continue in the middle of the day, with the Ftse Mib index setting at -1.2% in Week start The German political uncertainty, with the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel that seems to waver, is maintained.In Frankfurt, the Dax index set at -0.65%, in a context where negative dynamics is also related to fears of exclamation in trade disputes over US tariffs </p>
<p>  SMEs in the eurozone have also added, which certainly has not improved the situation: l & # 39; 39, manufacturing index for the final euro area in June, developed by Ihs Markit, stood at 54.9 points, against 55.5 points in May, the figure is light below the nsenso figure, both at 55 points. This is the minimum reading for 18 months </p>
<p>  Meanwhile there are some marginal increases in yields on 10-year BTPs, 4 basis points higher than at the end of Friday, at 2 , 75% and with the differential compared to Bund German, the gap widening to 244 basis points. The euro, on the other hand, maintains a recovery momentum at $ 1,1640 </p>
<p>  at the red Recordati market <span clbad= (- 14.4% to 29.15 euros) after an agreement was concluded for the sale of a majority stake in Cvc for a consideration of approximately 3 billion euros, which implies a price of 28 euros per share. Value at which the next compulsory OA will take place

Mediaset also hurt too (-4.49% to 2617 euros), which continues to be penalized by Morgan Stanley's downgrading to the weighting last Friday. [19659003] Bank Bper -2.51%, Ubi B . -2.4%, Mediobanca -2.01%, Intesa Sanpaolo -1.87%, Unicredit -1.85% and Banco Bpm -1.69%

Resistant Moncler to Instead, the declines spread to the market with a + 2.05% to 39.8 € thanks to the upgrade of BofA. Poste Italiane (+ 0.25%) and Fca (+ 0.06%) showed slight progress.

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