The Facts in Paris – May Day Violence, Macron: "In the Benalla Affair, the only responsible is me" world


  Alexandre Benalla and Emmanuel Macron

Alexandre Benalla and Emmanuel Macron

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Paris – The French President Emmanuel Macron takes full responsibility for the Benalla affair after a week of bitter controversy over the allegedly "favorable" treatment accorded to the former bodyguard and collaborator of the president investigated for the violence May 1st in Paris. "What happened May 1 was a betrayal ," said the president, referring the case to the majority parliamentarians. "If they're looking for a manager, I'm the only one responsible," he added. No one, no one – he pointed out – among my collaborators or in my office has never been protected or subtracted from the rules, laws of the Republic, the right of all citizens ".

"It was I who trusted Alexandre Benalla . I confirmed the sanction. This is not the Republic of Fuses, the Republic of Hate. You can not be a leader only when the weather is nice. If they want a manager, it's here, in front of you, to pick him up. Admission comes at the end of another hot day accusing the Elysee's responsibilities, while 80% of French – according to a poll released by BFM-TV – said that they were "shocked" by the story, and 75% he invoked a public statement of the head of state, left for days in an embarrbaded silence.

"An individual drift can not become a state affair ," said Prime Minister Edouard Philippe during a burning debate in Parliament. Questioned by the inquiry commission of the National Assembly, Macron's chief of staff (and superior of Benalla), Patrick Strzoda, said "badume" his responsibilities by trying as much as possible to defend his work. Many say it as the possible "fuse" that may leap into this fierce French of last July in just a few hours dalling enthusiastic world cup during the worst five-year crisis. Through the intermediary of his lawyer, the former 'Mr Sicurezza' of Macron investigated for reports of violence on "collective hysteria" and he says that soon "he'll go out" To express publicly ".

But the opposition arises. MPs of the Republic will present a motion of censure, or mistrust, against the government, a first since the beginning of the Macron era. "The government has failed," thundered neo-Nazi leader Christian Jacob. Even if the chances of approval of the motion seem almost nil, alliances are unthinkable a few days ago, with the group of La France Insoumise & # 39; left-wing tribune Jean-Luc Melenchon which is tidy on the right side. Meanwhile, in the Ipsos barometer, Macron lost 4 points of popularity, a negative record since September. Targeted for the privileges granted to Benalla – from the luxury apartment in the heart of Paris, to the sedan with police equipment or the high salary – many are wondering what prompted the president to cover up to To the last bodyguard of confidence.

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