The Minister of the Family, Lorenzo Fontana, is back to discuss, with a post in which he reiterates his position on rainbow families. "The family we recognize and support, even economically, is the one sanctioned and protected by the Constitution," he said, in response to M5S Under-Secretary for Equal Opportunities Vincenzo Spadafora [19659002] his line in an intervention on the occasion of the Pontida rally, stating that the new government has "tried to make common sense". "We have said trivial things that a child has the right to have a mother and a father," Fontana said. "They told us that we are retrograde, clerical.As St. Pius X said, when these things tell you, you are proud of it.And we are proud to say that there must be a mother and a father. "
The Minister's words follow Spadafora under-secretary Speech during Pride of Pompeii:" Italy will not come back, you will not lose the rights conquered, even if in one part of the government there is not the same sensitivity ".
Spadafora said he supported the government, but Minister Fontana immediately pointed out that the undersecretary "speaks in his personal capacity and not in the name of the government."
] The Italian Constitution, Article 29, states: The Republic recognizes the rights of the family as a natural society based on marriage.Marriage is ordered on the moral and legal equality of the spouses, with the limits established by law to guarantee the family unit.
Salvini also left Spadafora, saying that the under-secretary "speaks in his own name" and the theme of LGBT rights "is not in the government contract. "
" Personal opinions are welcome but the government is something else, "said Deputy Prime Minister." I am happy and satisfied with the work of the Lega-M5S government. The facts matter. If they want to quarrel, they will not succeed, "he added
Fontana, deputy of the Lega, who fought to" successfully stop the Estrela Report on Fertilization of Singles and bads, limitation of conscientious objection to abortion, bad education in pro-LGBT schools (bad, gay, bibadual, transgender), the education of doctors pro LGBT.
Moreover, in the past, he also opposes the Lunacek report, which opens the door to same-bad marriage. LGBT badual pro for children and considers homophobic who fights for the traditional family. "Here we explained what Minister Lorenzo Fontana thinks (" Gay Families Do not Exist "). [19659002] The example, says Fontana, comes from Vladimir Putin's Russia: "It is the reference for those who believe in a model of identity of society." Patience if homobaduals suffer daily discrimination and violence in the country and human and cultural rights are increasingly limited
"We are crusaders who do not fight with swords but with tools for culture, study and information . A difficult and difficult battle, but one that will lead to victory, "he said in the past.
Fontana's theory is simple:" Our peoples are under attack. On the one hand, the weakening of the family and the fight for gay marriage and the theory of gender in schools, on the other hand the mbad immigration we suffer and l & # 39; 39, simultaneous emigration of our young people abroad. These are all related and interdependent issues because these factors are meant to erase our community and our traditions. The risk is the cancellation of our people. "
" The One for Life is the Final Battle ", Fontana's words: Battle that must be fought" to continue our civilization. "Like, how to? Counteract the right to abortion (" the first cause feminicide in the world "), euthanasia (" if life is not respected from conception until the natural end, we come to aberrations ") and the so-called ideology of the kind.]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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