(information.it – press releases – education and training)
This afternoon was held at the Casa del Cinema of Rome the presentation of the 2017 survey on audiovisual piracy in Italy in which participated the badociation student cultural Future Is FINAS
"The phenomenon of auditory piracy is still widespread among teenagers, who, as shown in the IPSOS 2017 survey on audiovisual piracy in Italy, are not aware of the violations Regulatory and market damage to employment in this sector, which is why we will be active in the next school year to educate students about the damage caused by audiovisual piracy. "Thus, in a note, Filippo Pompei continues: "I can only share the words of Luigi De Laurentiis on the importance of acting with schools to teach young people what To date, the involvement of MIUR in the contrast is little ssenti in schools, also because it is autonomous by law 107/2015, as elsewhere are not heard the other campaigns implemented by the dicastery, just think of example to Generazioni Connected or to National Plan for Education to name just a few examples, campaigns whose results are little known and for which we will ask Minister Bussetti to disclose the results of recent years. "
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