The first hydrogen passenger train will enter service in Germany


The first pbadenger train in the world driven by electricity obtained in fuel cells consuming hydrogen producing water as "waste", the Coradia iLint carried out by Alstom, obtains the certificate of approval from the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, so it can enter service in Germany

The environmental benefits are evident with regard to diesel engines (at least in terms of local emissions, while overall impact, we must evaluate what primary sources are used to produce the energy needed to obtain hydrogen from processes such as electrolysis of Water or methane reforming.)

The German Government wishes to use the new train mainly on electrified secondary lines, on which are currently used diesel engines [19659006] The contract for 14 trains Alstom hydrogen

The trains that will be provided by Alstom to the Land of Lower Saxony (in the north of the country, the capital Hannover), are 14. The contract, signed even in 2007, provides also maintenance services for 30 years and energy supply. The trains were designed by an Alstom team based in France and Germany. The German government has contributed to the development with a loan of 8 million euros.

We will start with 2 convoys for pilot tests; effective service open to the public will begin rather late in the summer.

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