The fourteenth also comes for retirees Here's who the check is – Chronicle


REGGIO EMILIA. Today, 3.5 million retirees, in conjunction with the July 2018 Social Security Benefit, will receive the much-needed "additional amount" or the fourteenth with an amount between 336 and 655 euros. But watch out for the requirements to get it right away. Those who turn 64 in the second half of 2018, in fact, will have to wait a bit: the fourteenth will arrive with the payment of the pension in December 2018.

THE RULES . Let's see who is responsible and the amounts allocated to retirees calculated on the basis of the contributions paid. "The additional sum – explains the INPS – is attributed to subjects who are within the established income limits and who, on June 30, 2018, are 64 years of age or over." The annual income must not exceed 13 192 euros.

THE SUM . Indeed, the sum – allocated to the office without the need for a request – must be less than double the minimum salary, or correspond to approximately € 1,014 per month for thirteen months. Retired with income up to 9 894, 69 euros will receive a sum of 437 euros (up to 15 years of contributions), 546 euros (15 to 25 years of contributions) and 655 euros (over 25 years of contributions). For pensioners whose income is between 9995 and 13.192, 92 euros, the amount will be equal to 336 euros for the self-employed (with at least 18 years of contribution) and for private workers (with 15 years of contribution ).

For the self-employed, the fourteenth increase goes to 420 euros with a seniority contribution between 18 and 28 years and 504 euros if it is greater than 28 years. The same amounts apply to individuals but, in this case, the first step is the seniority of contribution between 15 and 25 years and the second for that of more than 25 years. The fourteenth is for retirees of old age, seniority, early retirement, disability and disability, survivors / survivors, that it is about pensions of 39, former private workers or former civil servants, and is paid only one (per year) even if receives more than one pension (eg retirement and survivors' pensions) .

Commands . Today, the INPS should provide, with the regular monthly payment of the pension, also the fourteenth. It is, however, provisionally provided, because the income taken as reference will be those relating to the year 2018 and the right will definitively be ascertained only with the declaration

of the revenues of 2018.

The grid is defined to define the measure of 14, the SPI CGIL invites retirees who need information to pbad union offices for other checks. –


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