The German government finds agreement on migrants. And now seeks an agreement with Italy


VIENNA – After a week of tension with its European neighbors, Germany now wants to rebadure Austria that it does not intend to push back its southern border. He urged his Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, to negotiate a bilateral agreement with the Italian government to bring back to Italy the migrants who crossed the border illegally. Similar agreements have recently been signed with Madrid and Athens

There will be no unilateral action against Austria. As Minister Seehofer badured me, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said here in Vienna after a meeting with the German politician. We have decided that next week, on the sidelines of a European Ministerial Conference in Innsbruck, the Ministers of Interior of Germany, Italy and Austria would work in concert with the closing of the Mediterranean road

. In the German government, Minister Seehofer and Chancellor Angela Merkel found Monday on how to deal with illegal migrants arriving in Germany. In the evening, the agreement was extended also to the other partner of the grand coalition, the Social Democrat Party:

There will be no national flight, no refoulement to border and no fields: there will be acceleration of asylum procedures, according to the rules in force, said the national secretary of the German SPD, Andrea Nahles. Overall, the agreement signed on Monday provides for the creation of transit centers on the German borders, the return of asylum seekers to the country of first arrival and any refoulement at the border. This last aspect caused the concerned reaction of Vienna which, in turn, threatened repressions at the border with Italy

The meeting yesterday in Vienna came precisely following the agreement between Chancellor Merkel and Minister Seehofer, which was held urgently because of the political tensions that the Berlin agreement provoked. At the same press conference, the German politician talked about a "very productive discussion". But he stressed how the compromise is based on the realization of a bilateral agreement with Rome that provides for the return of illegal migrants to the country of first arrival, in other words Italy [[]. voluntary. Macron: centers in countries of first arrival

Up to now, the Italian government has not said that it was prejudicial, but asked that any agreement be subordinated to a strategy of strict control of the external borders and collaboration of all member countries in the management of arrivals (see Il Sole / 24 Hours of 30 June). In this sense, in the eyes of the Italian authorities, the blockage of the Mediterranean route, as explained by Chancellor Kurz, is possible only if it accompanies a redistribution of landings.
If Negotiating for a Bilateral Agreement Between Rome and Berlin Minister Seehofer said that we should devise other ways to stop illegal immigration. The Bavarian politician admitted that discussions with Rome may be "difficult" . to understand first of all if the negotiations will concern the stock of migrants already arrived or only those who will arrive from now on. The agreements with Greece and Spain concern this second category of people

In Innsbruck, an unusual alliance between the Interior Ministers of Berlin, Vienna and Rome will be tested next week, all to behold. Ideologically, they are close political figures; they have similar interests but concrete goals that are potentially incompatible. However, none of the three countries wants to slow down critical commercial traffic on the Brenner route with new customs controls
Meanwhile, in Berlin, Merkel met today with Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbn: underlined the Chancellor – with regard to Schengen and the distribution of refugees. On the other hand, we collaborate well with respect to Frontex and development in Africa, and the contrast of the reasons for the theft. The Chancellor reiterated that she did not want to turn the Union into "Fortress", also confirming the differences with Minister Seehofer

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