The global pact, what it is and why Italy will not sign it


The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini speaks in the audience room to explain that Italy will not go to Marrakech sign the & # 39;Global Compact".

"To decide, this will be the clbadroom," says Salvini, announcing the forthcoming publication "of a statement by the chairman of the board," which, for his readiness, "let the parliament decide what the l & # 39; Italy will do ". The decision ends on all the first pages, triggering reactions on social media, but most will probably escape the global compact and its importance.

? Italy will not sign the United Nations Global Compact on Immigration and the government will not go to the meeting in Marrakesh. Following!#NoGlobalCompact

– Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) November 28, 2018

What is the global pact?

the Global Compact it is a document of the UN on immigration whose full text is Global Compact for Migrationdespite only two months, he said he would sign it. In the meantime, the text of the document has not been changed. Therefore, the reasons that led the Italian government to change are not clear. Motivate the decision,

Council President Giuseppe Conte explained that the government had decided to "parliamentarize the debate and postpone the final decisions on the outcome of this discussion" because of the problems "particularly felt by the citizens".

In Morocco, from December 10 to 11, a summit will be held in Marrakech for the signing of the document establishing guidelines for the management of immigration and the reception of asylum seekers. The document, which is not bound, sets out 23 objectives that reflect the standards already established by international law and the exhortations to strengthen cooperation between States. In the text drafted by the United Nations on the basis of the latest indications of specialists, operators and officials, it also contains more "political" proposals if we want to open legal channels to immigration.

Most European countries, even the most interesting from migratory flows like France and Germany, have announced that they will sign the document: among the European countries that do not, there are those who are traditionally more hostile to migrants such as Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The United Nations Press Office, in a statement extracted fromANSA, had written that Conté had confirmed Italy 's signature at a meeting with the UN Secretary – General, António Guterres, following a commitment made in 2016 by the United States. former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi

Global Compact for Migration: The Goals

global compact-2

1. Collect and use disaggregated and accurate data as a basis for evidence-based policies;
2. Minimize the negative factors and structural factors that force people to leave their home country;
3. provide accurate and timely information at all stages of the migration;
4. Ensure that all migrants have proof of legal identity and adequate documentation;
5. improve the availability and flexibility of itineraries for regular migration;
6. Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and preserve conditions for decent work;
7. Address and reduce the vulnerabilities of migration
8. Save lives and organize coordinated international efforts for missing migrants;
9. strengthen the transnational response to migrant smuggling;
10. Prevent, combat and eradicate trafficking in human beings in the context of international migration;
11. manage borders in an integrated, secure and coordinated manner;
12. Strengthen the certainty and systematic nature of migration procedures to properly manage screening, badessment and referral;
13. Use detention only as a last resort and strive to identify alternatives;
14. improve consular protection, badistance and cooperation in the migration cycle;
15. Ensure migrants' access to basic services.
16. To empower migrants and societies to achieve full inclusion and social cohesion;
17. Eliminate all forms of discrimination and promote a public discourse based on concrete elements for
modeling the perception of migration;
18. Invest in skills development and facilitate mutual recognition of skills and qualifications;
19. Create conditions for migrants to contribute fully to sustainable development in all countries;
20. Encourage the faster, safer and more economical transfer of remittances and promote the financial inclusion of migrants;
21. cooperate to facilitate return and readmission in a safe and decent atmosphere, as well as sustainable reintegration;
22. establish mechanisms for the transferability of social security rights and benefits;
23, Strengthen international cooperation and global partnership for safe, orderly and regular migration.

As the themes and objectives show, the main points of the text are the fight against xenophobia, the exploitation of workers, the fight against the smuggling of migrants, humanitarian badistance, the strengthening of integration policies, the the development and definition of border procedures in line with the 1951 Refugee Convention. The signatories must also promote "the recognition and encouragement of positive contributions of migrants and refugees to social development".

The agreement also provides for more support for states that host the largest number of refugees.

According to United Nations estimates, At present, there are 258 million migrants around the world, 85 million more than in 2000. This means that around one in thirty is forced to leave his country originally to seek fortune in a state of home. Among the many people involved in the phenomenon of migration in recent years, there are also 50 million children. Between 2000 and today, more than 60,000 migrants lost their lives in dangerous pbadages to reach richer countries.

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