The Golan "powder magazine ready to explode". Israel assesses partial recall of reservists


More than 270,000 desperate people fleeing the borders. The IDF armored vehicles are flowing into Upper Galilee while the Russian-Assadian offensive against the rebels continues across the border. A "barrel of powder ready to explode": this is the Golan.

In Jerusalem, there is a pre-war atmosphere. On the carpet, HuffPost entrusts to the government sources of the Jewish state, there is the possibility of a partial reminder of reservists. An alleged Hezbollah weapons depot was hit and destroyed by air strikes attributed to Israel in southwestern Syria, reported by Qatar's pan-Arab Jazeera television. The transmitter states that the raid, of which there are no other confirmations in other media, was carried out in the Daraa region, which was hit by l '39; offensive of the Syrian and Russian government for two weeks against Syrian anti-regime militias. The attack took place near the city of Mahja, along the road that connects Damascus to Daraa. On social media, images, not independently verifiable, of a dense column of smoke that elevates from the affected locality have appeared just now.

In recent days, the Israeli army has increased its deployment to the border with Syria. other tanks and cannons. This was announced by the military spokesman of the Israel Defense Forces, the Israel Defense Forces, explaining that it was the 210 / a division of Basan guarding the Golan Heights: "This was done – at he explained – as part of the military preparations seen on the Syrian Golan Heights near the border. "

On the other side of the border, the army offensive of Assad and Russian forces against the rebels are under way in the region. The Israeli army reiterated that it is ready for a "firm response" to any deliberate or accidental blow that strikes Israel from Syrian territory. Israel has long since begun a low intensity war in Syria. Low but growing. Israeli attacks against Syria are continuing steadily, more and more frequent since the first American attack on Syrian territory, in April 2017 when 57 Tomahawk missiles launched by the American Air Force struck the Syrian base of Shayrat, along of the Mediterranean coast. Since then, Israel's role has increased further, targeting not only the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, but also the alleged Iranian military sites, the true target of Israel's war against the axis. Shiite.

Israeli missiles on April 9 In May, Tel Aviv launched a missile shower on dozens of Syrian military sites across the country after launching some rockets in the occupied Syrian Golan. An attack claimed by Israeli Defense Minister Lieberman saying that Tel Aviv had destroyed so much of Iran's infrastructure in Syria.

Until last week when there was yet another "quality jump": the Israeli raids the province of Deir Ezzor, the military base of Al-Hari, on the border with 39; Iraq, killed 52 pro-government fighters, including 22 Iraqis. This never happened before Israel killed Iraqi militants or moved its field of action so far from the usual "intervention" zones. A place not chosen by chance: it is from here that the arms and men defend Bashar al-Assad, the nodal point of this Shiite corridor that Iran has been working for some time to consolidate its influence over the neighboring countries, from Iraq to Lebanon

According to the United Nations, there are at least 270,000 displaced people: the number is worrying, as the UN itself has registered 160,000. The Syrian advance, backed by the Russian air force and special forces, aims to recapture the southern part of the country, still partially occupied by the rebels. On Sunday, the Loyalists conquered the strategic city of Bosra al-Sham, but the offensive continues. The situation of fleeing civilians is now more dramatic, as Israel has said that it will not open borders for refugees. The same thing was reported by Jordan, which has already hosted a million and 300,000 Syrians fleeing the beginning of the crisis. The Amman government has announced that it has sent aid convoys, which are waiting for the opening of the border with Syria. The Amman Foreign Minister also announced that he would meet his Russian counterpart in a week in search of a solution to the Syrian crisis.

The badailants' word of order seems to have no pity, as evidenced by the return of barrels of bombs thrown by helicopters, one of the most brutal techniques used by the Syrian dictator in this endless civil war. Even hospitals are not spared. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Russian aviation has targeted the nosocomas of Saida, al-Jeeza and al-Musayfra, while for the humanitarian organization Uossm, a fourth hospital would have been hit by mortar shells. According to a United Nations report, at least 40% of homes in one of the locations targeted by Russian planes have been destroyed. According to the Earl of the Observatory of Human Rights, the death toll since the beginning of the offensive has risen to 47 civilians, 39 rebels and 36 government soldiers, but according to Uossm charity, dead civilians would be 68.

Regime forces have been stuck, Russians and Jordanians are trying to negotiate an agreement with Daraa rebels. But one of the last bastions of the civil war that erupted more than seven years ago is reluctant to surrender. Like millions of refugees from this war, those who have just arrived at the borders of Israel and Jordan do not know when they will be able to return home.

"Over the past 50 years," says Anshel Pfeffer, a military badyst at Haaretz the entire topography of the border was built to house two large conventional armies that looked at each other with suspicion. Israeli and Syrian armies were practiced, leading to tank or tank brigades, but in the last seven years, since the beginning of the civil war, there was only one army in the country. the border. "That of Israel. Now, however, things are changing. And, thanks to the military success achieved mainly thanks to the support of the Russia-Iran-Hezbollah triad, Bashar al-Assad also wants to express himself on this front. Officially, the fears of political and military summits of the Jewish state are linked to the possibility, reported in recent intelligence reports, that among this multitude of desperate fugitives, ambaded at the Syrian-Jordanian-Israeli border, may infiltrate jihadist militia led by Iranian Pasdaran or Lebanese Hezbollah, trying to penetrate Israeli territory to carry out terrorist actions.

But to this concern, said, another is added, not formally explained but that, according to HuffPost on the basis of She was the focus of the extraordinary meeting of the security cabinet – chaired by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Last Sunday: a Damascus-Tehran pact, to strengthen Syrian positions in the Golan Heights, with the presence of Guard officers on the ground. of the Iranian revolution, directly dependent on Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

A pact of action that would not be disapproved by Moscow: certainly, the explosive situation in the Golan will be discussed at the Helsinki summit in Helsinki between US President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin .

The Golan was conquered by Israel in 1967 and officially annexed in 1980. Syria, like the international community, has never recognized annexation and claims the entire territory on the shore of Lake Tiberias. Israel fears that Damascus, after defeating the rebels, will attempt an attack on the Highlands, which would lead to an open and direct war against the two states, after a ceasefire that has lasted since 1973. Wars are not made for irredentism. And if Israel, after the Six Day War, took possession of these highlands and demanded their control despite UN resolutions, it has very pragmatic reasons.

This area east of Tiberias Lake is a fundamental piece for anyone wanting to control the area. A first reason is of a strategic nature. Located between Israel, Syria and Lebanon, the Golan has an enviable position. Having control of its reliefs, allows you to have control in the west on Tiberias and part of Galilee, and east on the plain that descends to Damascus. In addition, being able to place a military outpost on Mount Hermon (in Arabic Jabal al-Shaykh) means getting a tower from which to control the movements of the enemy. Militarizing the hills is all about watching. But control of the Golan Heights is mainly reflected in the control of one of the largest water reservoirs in the Middle East. And controlling water in one region means having immense bargaining power over all neighboring states. For Israeli agriculture, having direct access to the waters of Mount Hermon is essential. Based on an intensive model, every drop of water is essential. According to some estimates, the Golan waters provide Israel with a third of the country's water needs. Already only this reason clearly shows why Israel fears any attempt to reconquer Syria. If it is important for Israel, especially for Syria, that of these water resources was deprived manu militari . Water is a major badet (especially for a country devastated by the war) and the Syrian economy needs a constant water supply. In addition, changes in agricultural production, particularly in the choice of cotton instead of other plantations, have radically changed the country's water needs, which have increased dramatically. And now, Syria would like this water from which it has been deprived.

Who holds the water, controls the lives of his neighbors. But it is not only blue gold to motivate the centrality of the Golan Heights. And, again for the summer of 2014, even 10 sites that could hide the oil reserves. The company responsible for drilling would also have among its shareholders Rupert Murdoch, the media mogul, and Dick Cheney, the former vice president of the United States, as a consultant. Security, water resources, oil: an explosive mixture that could explode the Golan powder kiln

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