The government dismantled Italia Sicura, who secured Genoa


Last night, the Council of Ministers decided to close the structure of the mission Italia Sicura. An institutional subject that for Genoa and Liguria has determined a lot, financing almost entirely the work of securing the city on the Bisagno. On the barricades the Democratic Party, which attacks: "The day when conclude the last technical tests on the model of the Bisagno drain, the yellow-green government closes Italia Sicura, transferring the skills to the Ministry of Environment – and denounces – to Tuona risk the continuity of programming. "

Tuona worried the Ligurian parliamentarian Pd, Raffaella Paita:" The closure of Italia Sicura, the structure of the mission that invested 9 billion euros against slippage of land and floods, with 1334 sites opened Italy creates a double damage for the city of Genoa, which has always been exposed to the risk of hydrogeological instability, where 379 million euros had been allocated by the Renzi government, requested by the Region of which I was part to carry out fundamental work for the security of the territory ". And he adds: "In order to secure the Ligurian territory, there are still many resources and this signal means that they will probably not arrive anymore".

Italia Sicura, reminds the leader of the Democratic Party in the Region, Giovanni Lunardon, is the institutional subject "which has allowed to the metropolitan area of ​​Genoa and especially to the city of Genoa the most important financing of its history against hydrogeological instability: 379 million euros The necessary money, inter alia, to carry out or complete the fundamental work for Genoa's hydraulic safety as the cover and the sewer of Bisagno, but the government of Lega and 5 Stelle decided to return, reporting jurisdiction and funding to the Ministry of the Environment. "

" This decision is of absolute gravity and risk today to question the results obtained during these years, "says Simone Barbagallo, Chief of Territory, CEO of Genoa. "For Genoa and Liguria, as well as for many parts of Italy at the hydrogeological risk, Minister Costa's decision is a resounding and degrading retreat – said Alberto Pandolfo, secretary of Pd Genoa – because". instead of strengthening the successes and the structures they really worked in the country, they decide to cancel them ".

Italia Sicura, to date, has invested 9 billion Euros against landslides and floods, with 1334 shipyards all over Italy. For the new 2015-2023 programming, the national action plan had identified 9,420 works for around 28 billion euros. What effects will this have in Liguria? "President Toti and Commissioner Giampedrone, rather than dedicate themselves to cutting cbadettes of works funded by the previous government, what do they say?"

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