The government on the Alitalia file: "Former managers will pay"


The future of Alitalia seems to be on the high seas. After a long silence, the subject comes back on some statements of the Minister of Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio, owner of the file and reference authority of the commissioners. Di Maio denied that there are plans to merge Alitalia and Fs: he dismissed it as a "false news". He said that "the government badyzes all the economic information because we want to first identify and ask to punish those responsible for the current situation.We will take the action of responsibility.Then we evaluate the road ahead, based on a serious review of the expenses within the company ". Then, a commitment: "There are many sales scenarios, but the theme is not to resell it", and denied "the direct contacts with Lufthansa and EasyJet", the two main candidates to the company. purchase. Yesterday, Commissioners Luigi Gubitosi, Enrico Laghi and Stefano Paleari – attended a summit at the Ministry of Transport organized by Under Secretary Armando Siri (Lega). First meeting of the governmental establishment

It is not known what is bubbling in the pot. The Alitalia affair at this point is very confusing and you can not see a freeway. There are, of course, strengths: on October 31st, the interlocutor must be chosen for exclusive negotiations; as of December 15, the bridge loan of $ 900 million must be repaid, plus a hundred interests: as it will be possible, with a deficit company, we do not know. Finally, European authorities have the cards on the table to decide if the loan is configurable as state aid. Since the forecasts are for a negative decision, that is to say that it is, the hope is that this statement will arrive at least after the sale. Yesterday, meanwhile, the National Pilots Association was very concerned about the financial situation: "Liquidity could end by next winter."

Beyond denials and mischief, there is an air of nationalization. How, this is not clear, also because the public opinion will not be consenting. But the belief that Alitalia is part of the "unavailable heritage" of an attractive country of tourism and industrial power is gaining ground. Selling it to Lufthansa 100% interested and then deciding on its own would mean taking social costs, losing aeronautical professionalism, diverting elsewhere the current Italian supplies, dependent on a network designed in Germany and articulated on the basis of the same. other hubs. However, the return of Alitalia in the public sphere appears as an almost unachievable undertaking: not only would the necessary capital be great, but above all, it would be a credible and successful project. Not easy during a very difficult competition. Over the past 20 years, Alitalia has tried them all: from the financier (Francesco Mengozzi) to the hard restructuring (Giancarlo Cimoli), from the cream of Italian entrepreneurship (Roberto Colaninno and the brave Capitani) to the latest in the world. alliance with Etihad, who looked like a jewel of the Arab Emirates. It only misses the return to the public, which is the big area of ​​origin of the company.

Alitalia continues to lose money, about 1.5 million a day. In cash, there is still a good part of the bridging loan, but on the one hand payments to suppliers have been slowed down, on the other hand, the worst seasonality is approaching. Commissioners continue to focus on business development (a mission is underway in South America) but it is not up to them to restructure. And yesterday, the company had to deny that the points holders of the MilleMiglia program risk losing them: in the change of the company that manages them, they will all be brought back to life.

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