The Washington correspondent of the daily Emirat The National (published in Abu Dhabi and owned by the government) writes that the Trump administration is organizing for host a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit in the United States. The newspaper claims to have exclusive content on the summit agenda, and being a government editorial line (euphemism), the thing is interesting.
Top theme of the summit, cooperation on security, including threats to maritime navigation and ballistic missiles: working against the aggression of Iran (an enemy against which all members are more or less agree) and efforts to counter extremism.
The White House wants to see more cooperation between countries on missile defense, military training, counterterrorism and other issues such as strengthening regional economic and diplomatic ties, say four Sources to The National
It is interesting that you come back to speak openly about what is called "Arab NATO," a military alliance on a large perimeter between countries Sunnis of the Mena region, led by the Saudis, launched more or less publicly from Mohammed bin Salman in the initial phase of his ascension to the throne and put into service in the beta phase (and more than anything else) Provisional) to the Houthi intervention in Yemen. A strategic operation that works well I can be tired for three years, in this new wave of rhetoric intended to raise new tensions with Iran, with which the United States is more and more aggressive, following an agenda that is further pushed by the Gulf emirates than others (see Saudi Arabia) – a bit like Western NATO with Moscow, the Arab has the deep purpose deterrence to Tehran
The House Blanche – who openly supports the military plan since last May, but who has already married with the previous administration – confirmed to the Emirate newspaper that he is working on the concept of 39 alliance with "our regional partners now and for several months" and hopes to turn the temporary alliance that bears the name "Mesa" (Strategic Alliance of the Middle East) into something more concrete with the summit that would welcome at Washing your. "Mesa will serve as a bulwark against Iranian aggression, terrorism and extremism and bring stability to the Middle East," said an official of the US National Security Council.
The United States and the Gulf Allies have common interests in the conflicts in Yemen and Syria and defend the shipping routes through which many of the world's oil supplies are sent. Washington, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi accuse Iran of destabilizing the region, stirring up unrest in some Arab countries through ideologically loyal political and paramilitary groups (with economic and military ties) and used as relays to spread their adventurism from Tehran. In recent weeks, the American line has become even more pointed, with advisers talking about the chance of a diet.
Similar initiatives have also been taken by previous US administrations to develop a more formal alliance with Arab and Gulf allies. but they failed. This time, in addition to GCC member countries – Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar – representatives from Egypt and Jordan will also be present. Possible that the date falls in October, but the details and times should still be defined. Initially, the United States hoped to convene the meeting at Camp David in September and May of this year, but "the planning problems and the attention of the President of the United States on North Korea have forced to change plans. Abu Dhabi's diary explains, however, because the Emirates have a hard line with Qatar and did not want to meet in the neutral American field.
Argument which is the elephant in the piece on American soil is the crisis with Qatar (the expert in the dynamics of Gulf Cinzia Bianco had provided content on the subject on these columns) that, according to Emirati sources, however, could not even be a part of the agenda of the October meeting. Two senior officials of The National say that Washington sees the crisis as an inter-Gcc conflict in which Kuwait conducts mediation and does not want s On the situation in Qatar and on the agenda of the summit, Abdel Aziz Aluwaisheg Assistant Secretary to the Gulf Cooperation Council in charge of Political Affairs and Negotiations, said: " At the GCC meeting in December 2017 there was an agreement to keep the mediation in a separate parallel track run by the Kuwaiti Emir and that will continue ", all the rest added, is" as usual and works on a separate track "from the central theme of the meeting
Could the main obstacle to Qatar's record, namely the hostility of the Emirate, be partially overcome through American work? A few days ago, the commander of the large US strategic base in the Middle East at Udeid was alongside the Doha Summits to lay the foundation for the upcoming enlargement: a public demonstration that it is important for Washington to have a united Gulf – perhaps against Iran
Sources who prefer to keep anonymity say to Formiche.net that in reality the United Arab Emirates are "out of the blood" with qatarioti, it is very nervous, and it is they who pursue the aggressive line that lasts for more than a year. The history of the Arabian Otan, "on which now alone Abu Dhabi seems to be of interest" – "Because many of my contacts among Saudi officials could also avoid the summit" tells us the source – is considered by the experts of the region as utopia. But Americans applaud it because it "would work well for disengagement in the Middle East and deterrence on Iran," and perhaps because the current administration "has no reason" not a lot of skills and strategies in the region. "
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