The House approved the reduction of annuities


The House said yes to the reduction of annuities for former deputies. The Bureau of Montecitorio has indeed approved the resolution presented by Roberto Fico arousing the enthusiasm of supporters of Movimento 5 stelle . The estimated savings of about 40 million euros a year ( are also read: Inps, so Boeri explains to Di Maio the recalculation of gold pensions ).

The new system recalculates all checks with the contributory system and comes into effect on [1] January 1, 2019 . Previously, the date of 1 November 2018 had been indicated. During the Bureau, only one other amendment was approved concerning certain special cases of non-self-sufficiency . The "minimum rent" will be 980 euros a month and will go to those who have only one legislature. The minimum amount for those who will be deducted more than 50% will be 1470 euros. Annuities paid to former deputies total 1,240. According to the resolution, the allowance received by those who have at least four legislatures behind them will stop at the expired value. in 2018. Currently the average amount of annuities of former parliamentarians varies from 2 to 4 thousand euros net per month ( see also: The Court of Auditors seized the annuities in Formigoni ).

The pentastellati celebrated the approval of the layout in Piazza Montecitorio. I yes in the office were 11: nine of the majority M5s-Lega, one of the Democratic Party and one of the Brothers of Italy. Only Forza Italia has abstained. " We cancel a privilege, not a right . It is right to celebrate, "said Francesco Silvestri, Deputy Head of the House of M5," I dedicate this victory to all those who were penalized by the Fornero Law ", added the Deputy Prime Minister. Minister Luigi Di Maio But the badociation of former parliamentarians is already on the war footing and threatens a civil and administrative action for damages, at the same time. in respect of which all the members of the Bureau could be called personally (] read also: Coupes au annuités, the former parliamentarians threaten collective remedies .

"I does not give up and I will never give up "we say in the meantime Fico " today we have repaired the social injustice and then healed an injury. "In addition, the President of the House does not worry about a possible rejects t of the Cup by the Constitutional Court : "I have written a strong, substantial and substantial resolution, making me a constitutional framework principle for which all citizens are equal". In addition, for particularly difficult and complex individual situations " it is possible to increase the recalculated pension . Interested persons must apply and prove their need. They can get a 50% recovery of the annuity. And in the Senate what will happen? "Palazzo Madama will do its badessments, it will go ahead and it will come to a similar conclusion," Fico's response. But the reduction of pensions for former senators, in the other branch of parliament chaired by Elisabetta Casellati is still under investigation.


born in 1954 with an act of autodichia of the Bureau of the House and Senate, which have the faculty of self-regulation, were designed to protect those who have left their jobs to take care of the full-time public thing. It was abolished by the Monti government at the end of 2011. For former parliamentarians still in office on 1 January 2012, a prorated system was applied: their salary is the sum of the share of the accumulated life allowance at 31 December 2011 and the pension portion corresponding to the years of office held from 2012. For new members of Parliament, instead of annuities, pensions of parliamentarians were introduced calculated with the method of contribution in a way not different from what happens to ordinary civil servants. The difference between old annuities and new pensions is especially here, in the abandonment of the pay system, which has led to a sharp reduction in amounts.


Starting in 2012, therefore, to obtain a parliamentary pension, a Member of Parliament or Senator must remain in office for five years of service . The check arrives after the end of the 65th year . For each year in which he remains in office for the first five years, the Member may take advantage of the pension one year in advance, although under no circumstances may he begin to collect it before the year is over. 60 years old. In the event of early termination of the mandate, the fractions of the year count as a full year if more than six months have elapsed since the election. Today, after a parliamentary term, a parliamentarian receives a check for close to one thousand euros net, which becomes 1,500 after two terms and 2,100 after three legislatures.

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