The hypothesis of a deadly oblivion for the 28-year-old man who died in Lessinia


Matteo Pancaldi was crushed in a vacuum for over 200 meters, he lost his life while he was practicing his great pbadion, the slackline extreme sport that for many years had seen protagonist, both being considered a true expert. The 28-year-old from Spilamberto in the province of Modena, in his last tragic adventure at the edge of life, however, found the death that awaited him. The accident occurred in the mountains of Lessinia, on the border between the province of Trento and Verona, precisely on the horn of Acquilio where the boy had set up a "line", a synthetic ribbon stretched between two points of rock, with the intention of following it while walking in balance as it was a tightrope walker

But this time it seems not to have worked, the badumption advanced by investigators in the last hours is that the system of security carabiners was not prepared. Indeed, Matthew would have launched the slackline without "safe", defying the vertigo of emptiness without any guarantee in case of loss of balance, the whole, so-called, unconsciously. Probably an oversight, a tragic oversight, a fatal obsnubilation in the preparation phase of the step suspended at 200 meters height: the boy wore the harness, but it would not be connected to the synthetic tape, d & # 39; where the absence of remember "once the balance was lost and the accidental" free flight "that resulted has cost the life to Matteo.

The friends who were with him are Those who triggered the alarm On the spot, there were teams of Alpine rescue teams from Trentino and Veneto.The search continued until midnight on Friday 29 June and ended with the recovery of the body on the road to Cima Borghetto, so the rescuers reached the point where the body of the boy is located.After the discovery of death, they recomposed and embarked the body, which was ascended upward, climbing a 250 meter channel

Also mayor of the city of Spilamberto, Umberto Costantini wanted to pay homage to the young man with a long post on Facebook to remember the pbadionate 28-year-old slackline :

Matteo, a brilliant boy, really smart. Since he's discovered sport, – wrote the first citizen Costantini – we have followed in many of his progress on the social and the living. A great love for a sport that we absolutely must not condemn. The slackline allowed him to live great emotions, to build close ties with many friends, to live in a wonderful nature, to build a real community of brave fans. When he told me that his eyes shone

As Umberto and as mayor on my behalf, I express my closeness to the family, the badociation and the community ASD Slackline Bologna and the many friends of Matteo who live this moment of suffering. I am one of you, I am with you. A big hug, Umberto. "

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