The Italian ambassador publishes photos of colonial Libya and releases the network


The Italian ambbadador to Libya, Giuseppe Perrone, shared on his Twitter profile photos dating back to the fascist era

Specifically, these are images that portray Libya at the same time. when she was a colony of the regime. fascist led by Benito Mussolini

In the post, we read: "How nice it would be to admire once again a gleaming red Ferrari that runs along Gargarish Street until Ben Ashour." Despite all the challenges and hiccups, #Triples the charm wants for itself a greater reputation than the "bride of this sea".

How amazing would it be to be able to admire again a Shiny red Ferrari as goes down Gargarish street until Ben Ashour ….
Despite all the challenges and hiccups, #Triples the charming wants for herself a greater reputation than the "bride of this sea." # Libya

– Giuseppe Perrone (@Assafir_Perrone) July 13, 2018

Users, however, have not taken the words and the ambbadador's photos and online network has sparked lively controversy.

Indeed, many have responded to Giuseppe Perrone's tweet, by publishing other historical photos belonging to the same time

The answer tweets, however, do not show the "good" side of Italian colonialism .

On the contrary, users have published photos of the violence perpetrated in Libya by the fascist regime.

Here are some pictures of the horrors of Italians in Libya.
I do not think you will tweet this if you read your own story in Libya. the first place.

– Omar Ahmed (@OmarAhmedLY) July 13, 2018

"Here are some pictures to help you better understand the horrors of Italians in Libya. do not think you would have shared these photos if you had read the history of your own country before, "wrote a user in response to the ambbadador's tweet.

Browsing through comments received from Perrone, you will notice how others have followed example of the first user, displaying other photos that illustrate the horrors of Italian colonialism in Libya

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