The launch of the Japanese rocket MOMO-2 did not succeed: here is the video of the explosion


Unfortunately, the future of the private aerospace sector in Japan suffered another major blow, yet another. The launch of the MOMO-2 rocket published by Interstellar Technologies had a tragic result: a few seconds after its flight, the spacecraft lost its power and was crushed

The company wishes to point out that the flames triggered by the blast have in no way affected the launch pad which remains intact: hence the promise to continue to pursue the project, which had suffered another setback in 2017 after the failure of another launch. Failure which led to the total destruction of all the machines and structures necessary for the launch of rockets .

For the moment it is not yet known how this incident will change the time planned for injection into orbit Beyond an obvious interruption of the thrust required to make the vehicle hover in the air, the causes of the accident are still not known with certainty: Interstellar Technologies has not yet shared any details on this subject. Meanwhile, the company is working on a new system, aimed at dramatically reducing the cost of rockets, which is simply to reuse "old" parts whenever possible without having to build each component for each launch.

The company must make space flights cheaper: the original MOMO costs about 440,000 dollars, which seems a small figure compared to the million and 800,000 dollars needed by the Japanese government to accomplish the same task . It must be said, however, that the technology implemented by Interstellar Technologies fails much more often than the more expensive solutions.

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